Picture from here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/britishlibrary/11141786875/in/album-72157638906393085/
I have a soft spot for strange places. I think I caught the 'odd world' bug from Margret Weis' Darksword Adventures . It was the first full RPG I bought and described a world where magic was treated like technology. It gave the full deets on the world. From the mana currency to wonderous enchanted cities. I honestly believe the joy that sparked has kept me making other nifty worlds.
Take Orboboros, it's a self-aware old-school console fantasy.
Most journalling games give you tools to easily write up your own vistas. I get that, and you can do so in Orboboros, but I have to meddle. I have to share. As such, every Chapter has a Places Section. Most are based ofg the prompts, some are just random whimsey I thought up. Either way, you should feel free to use, not use, or modify them as you wish in your game.
Here's a sample.
The Administrative Fortress
Catgod Rex’s main keep has been repurposed as the Order’s HQ in Fortress Fall. At ten stories, it looms over the city. It’s been repaired, yellow brick and stone filling up all its gaps. There are also empty alcoves and statue stands. Inside is dim, and functional. Not a single piece of art is in the entire place.
Order acolytes, in their black robes, rush about to and frow tending to city business.
There are at least four guards at each gate. They’ll ask your business. Brickernaughts are flying around everywhere.
If you’re here to see the Magistrate, they laugh at you but you can convince them you’re on the level with a Skill Test. If you do, they direct you to the North District.
If you’re the Sage and you say you’re here to meet with sub-director Rhodri, they let you in without fuss.
Rhodri Sea Shake’s office can be found here. Just follow the signs. If you meet up with him, you see he’s reading a book ‘Tales of the Blue’, which he quickly hides as you enter.
It’s a simple novel that would be frowned upon by the more orthodox in the Order.
Fortress Fall Jail
If your PC is arrested they’ll be thrown into a section of the Administrator’s Fortress holds a couple of dozen cells. It’s dank, damp, and uncomfortable. Resting here does not brighten any Ruby Orbs.
It’s likely you’ll have a roommate or two, Chart Check to determine who.
For minor crimes: petty theft, too fancy dress, over-boisterousness, drunkenness ect… you PC will be let out the following morning with a strict warning.
For moderate crimes; theft, insulting the Order, assault ect… they’ll need to spend a week there.
For a major crime; huge theft, murder, trying to bring back the old ways, you’ll be stuck here a month and then executed.
Best escape before then.
Escaping from prison is a major crime.
The Market District – The Shade
The Market District, known to the non-order types as the Shade, sits under what used to be the enormous statue of a cat’s head. The Order removed everything from the statue, even the ears, leaving only the top of its skull which rests on yellow brick pillars. It provides shade and protection from rain for the stalls below.
Many of the goods here are on display in a matter-of-fact fashion, with simple, practical signs. Banter and haggling is against the law, making shopping a boring task. The shopkeeps spend their time tending their wares or staring off into space.
Except for the shops that have paid off the guards. They have brightly colored signs and catchy calls to attract customers. There’s still no haggling. They make plenty of money.
The are three Inns here, The Happy Wagon, Book’s Nook, Nug Bug. For a silver they’ll serve you oatmeal and milk, and give you a simple room to sleep in. Book’s Nook does have books, but they’re all full of Order regulations and approved songs.
Those dressed as guards or high-level Order administrators are given the secret menu. They can order tasty food and wine. Their rooms are cozy and warm.
The Soot
The slums of Fortress Fall are charred black, likely due to the fallout of the battle between the Royal Knight and Catgod Rex. Here you’ll find struggling shop owners, unskilled workers, criminals, and the poor.
They’re under the ‘protection’ of the Thieves Guild.
An act of heroism will likely endear, many here secretly hold to the old ways and are wishing for a savior.
Slywyn True Sighted’s Mansion
This is a three-story palatal affair in the North District; also called Snootsville by non-Order populace. This rich part of town has lush trees, lovely hedges, and cobblestone walkways. Numerous Fortress Fall guards, Order acolytes, and their well-off families crisscross on various jobs here.
Occasionally a brickernaught flies by.
If your PC travels to this part of town, they’ll be stopped and questioned by a pair of guards. You’re dressed too ostentatiously, or you look too dangerous. Figure out a way to assuage their concerns or they’ll throw you into jail for the night.
Slywin’s mansion is nothing but ostentatious, but he’s the Magistrate so no one crosses him.
A clever adventurer, with a stealth check or two, could find some expensive items in here. If you’re the Bard, however, you know that stealing during your visit is a bad idea. If the Magistrate blames you, your circus will be shut down, and your loved ones will be thrown into prison.
If you’re the Bard, you’ll have some time to hobnob with arrogant Order directors and their spoiled families. They’re dressed in noble finery, odd in that’s against the law. Feel free to Chart Check and draw up some colorful characters.
When it comes time to play the song, make a skill check. Success means you’ve done exceptionally well, the crowd tips you 2d6 silver. Failure means you still succeed, Slywyn’s impressed, but you only get 1d6 silver in tips.
Tricks Apothecary
Beston’s shop folds up into a wheelbarrow so she can wheel it to different locales. With the press of a button, it pops up, complete with a sign, Tricks Apothecary, and shelves displaying her wares.
It’s currently in the shadow of a nook of the Administrative Keep. Right now she’s selling to high-class customers.
To find it, your character will have to ask around. A failed skill test in looking will lead to another encounter in the city first, make a Chart Check to see what.
Those are just tame examples. The other Chapters hold some bizarre stuff. After I publish it, I hope you check it out.