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Orboboros Brick Kingdom - Beings


Back in the day, I loved WEG D6 Star Wars because, if, as a GM, I described some bizarre alien jizz-wailer (that's Star Wars music by the way) my players latched onto, I could immediately write up stats for them. No classes to worry about, no advantages, disadvantages, feats, traits etc. Just stats and skills, easy peasy.

This sort of simplicty is essential in a journaling game. The player should be able to draw up their own characters on the fly, on an intuitive level that doesn't break the flow of play.

Of course, Troika's excellent for this. You just have to worry about Skill, Stamina and Luck. Given the elegance of the rules, making up special abilities for them is also easy.

Even so, it's good to have examples. That's why, every chapter in Orboboros the Brick Kingdom has a Beings section. These hold non-player characters and monsters, you can draw on in your game. While they are often related to the prompts and borders, you should feel free to modify or add as makes sense for your game.

Here's a sample.

Note: Rather than Stamina characters in Orboboros have Ruby Orbs. When people are hurt, these dim, that's why the entries list dimage rather than damage.

Note II: Between my last Brick Kingdom post and this one, I changed the prompts and borders for my first chapter, that's why the following list may not seem to match up.

Note III: Normal and Tough related to Skill and Orb maximums. They also determine hostile spell resistance.

Betsan Tricks - Normal

She’s a grizzled falc woman who holds a majesty she only reveals when trying to impress or intimidate. Her brown, feathered wings are prefect. She’s got a few chips on her beak. She dresses in a voluminous dress and cloak that’s good for skulking.

Betsan runs Tricks Apothecary, a shop that sells all sorts of potions, some good, some evil. All sorts buy her wares. She often commits crimes to get ingredients. She’s paid off the guards though, so she’s safe.

Skill: 5, Ruby Orbs: 3

Special: She’s good at crime and Alchemy. Her Skill’s 7, as far as all that’s concerned.

Carried Possessions: Dagger 1 dimage, 2 Ruby Potions (brightens 3 orbs), Potion of the Ghost (Makes her insubstantial and invisible for an hour)

Boozy Carwyn – Normal

Carwyn’s a happy, often drunk, gob who knows a lot about the city. For a drink or a silver coin, she’ll answer whatever questions you need. She’s a green gob with yellow eyes and an easy grin. She dresses like a well-off tailor. She’s actually a tailor but makes more money trading secrets.

Everyone goes to her.

She lost her daughter Dwynwen three years ago. She vanished into the North Star Forest with some Goddess worshippers, never to return.

You’ll likely run into her at an inn, or just in the streets. She’ll recognize you as new in town and offer info for a coin.

Skill: 4, Ruby Orbs: 2

Carried Items: Flask of Whisky (brightens 1 ruby orb if you savor it), 1D3 silver coins

Brickernaught Guardian - Tough

A city such as Fortress Fall has 12 brickernaught guardians that can be called upon in times of need. These are H-shaped creatures of yellow brick, with a black eye with a red iris in the center. They can fire their bricks at foes. Any bricks they fire, instantly return. They also fly.

Skill: 7, Ruby Orbs: 4

Special: Getting hit by their bricks causes 2 dimage.

They can more easily be hurt by hitting their eye. When striking them, Test Luck, on a success the eye is hit and you do 1 extra dimage, fail and their brick armor stops 2 of your dimage.

Their armor does nothing against spell dimage.

They can fly as fast as a gob runs.

Eurneid Silver Brand - Normal

She’s the proprietress of the Happy Wagon. She’s a blue gob with silver hair. She’s middle-aged but has the vitality of someone much younger, like one’s cool aunt.

She loves her inn and mans the bar to take orders. On late nights, when there’s no Order goons around, she’ll give her patrons mead and something tasty, like a roast or a pizza. The subdirectors like her enough that they’ll wave snitches aside.

If you’re the Bard she’ll talk to you about old songs, even though she shouldn’t.

If you’re the Hunter, she’ll ask how your people are doing. You recognize her, she’s visited often with tales of the outside world. Like you, she respects the old ways.

If you’re the Sage, she gets the sense you're from the Hearth Whale. She’d like to know what you’ve seen, and she’ll comp your meal and board if you agree.

Eruneid’s an upstanding sort, she’d be willing to help you out in Chapter Two.

Skill: 6, Rubly Orbs: 3

Carried Possessions: 5 silver coins, dish cloth.

Special: She’s got a charisma that makes her well-liked by everyone.

Fortress Fall Guard - Normal

They’re dressed in the black armor and helmets of the Order. They’re pretty easygoing and can be bribed. However, they hop to it when the higher-ups order action.

Skill: 5, Ruby Orbs: 1

Carried Possessions: Halberd – 1 dimage. 1 silver coin.

Fortress Fall Thieves – Normal

Fortress Fall has a thriving thieves guild. They’ve paid off the guards and also try not to cause enough trouble for the Magistrate to crack down on them. Most places on the poorer ends of the city have to pay them protection money.

Skill: 4, Ruby Orbs: 1

Carried Possessions: Dagger 1 dimiage, Club 1 dimage, Thieves Tools, 2 silver coins.

Magistrate SlywynTrue Sighted - Tough

He’s a tall, thin, green, bug-eyed gob. He rubs his hands like a fly. He has a smooth voice. He’s dressed in the silver-black robes of a Magistrate of the Order. His head is shaved and covered with brick tattoos.

He’s fascinated by old history. He has a collection of treasures from the royals hidden away.

He’s gathered a group of the rich and curious to hear the Ballad of the Laughing Dragon.

He’s thoroughly corrupt but always follows through on his word.

He’s the defacto ruler of Fortress Fall.

Skill: 7, Ruby Orbs: 5

Carried Possessions: Whistle to call guards, Ruby Potion (Brightens 3 Orbs), 20 silver coins.

Special: He can find rare objects without needing to roll. Though securing them may take time.

Order Acolyte - Normal

Gobs dressed in the black robes of the Order. They run around everywhere, carrying messages, looking for law-breakers, and performing civil tasks.

Most are corrupt.

Skill: 4, Ruby Orb: 1

Possessions: 1 silver coin. Pen and notepad.

Special: Businesses sell them the good stuff.

Subdirector Rhodri Sea Shake - Normal

He’s a wizened blue gob with a salt-and-pepper beard. He’s got a gruff voice. He dresses in the silver robes of a sub-director.

Rhodir used to be a sea captain but figured Order life was more cozy. He’s crawled his way to where he is and hopes to get higher. He’ll sell anyone out to gain more power and luxuries.

He’s got a soft spot for the Hearth Whale, they rescued him once when he was stranded on a desert island. Ever since he’s taken pains to make sure the Order stays out of their business.

Right now, his minions have handed him a curious old-world object. He hopes it’s worth something.

Skill: 5, Ruby Orbs: 3

Carried Possessions: Saber – 1 dimage. 10 Silver Coins

Stick Pest

These giant stick bugs are a plague on Fortress Fall. They scurry around stealing whatever food they can and hide in warm places. They’ll generally run, but if you step on them by accident they’ll attack.

Folks may hire you to get rid of an infestation.

Skill: 4, Ruby Orbs: 1

Special: Their bite causes ½ a dimage. Test Luck when walking into an area that they’re sleeping in. Failure means, you step on one and it automatically bites you!

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