I had a solid idea of what would happen before I started this session, so I guess this is more a visual novel than a standard Ironsworn session.
I even chose to not make Face Danger rolls, because I liked the idea that Kiah was being tricked.
Even so, some things surprised me. I was introduced to Stoad the Wanderer. Kiah will need to wait a little longer for the magic Bayara Doom Axe will grant her. (What Does Kalina Ask? Threaten Trade)
Late that night Kiah was shaken awake. As she blinked sleep from her eyes she found Kalina kneeling beside her.
"Kalina," the bright woman asked, "what's going on?"
"Take this," the new priestess whispered, and pressed something in Kiah's hand.
(What Is It? Hold History )
It felt like a smooth stone statue,
"Verena's old god," the crafty woman whispered. "I stole it from her once, to convince her that she was abandoned."
"You did what?"Kiah hissed.
"Hssst!" the preistess shushed. "She baited one of my friends, fed him to the sharks."
"What? T-that's barbaric." the bright woman whispered.
"So do me a favor," Kalina said with a giggle, to make it sound like they were just whispering gossip. "Take him far from here. I can't afford to get caught with him."
Kiah nodded with determination, "We'll be leaving soon. Serene's sharing a place I can find magic. I'll be going there, and then heading home."
"Really?" the priestess asked, suddenly sounding dubious, Then, touching Kiah's arm she urged, "Be VERY careful Kia Song Hood, this may be a trap, and I want you very much alive. After all, Ilsit would miss their Leucia dearly."
(Bond Forged).
That morning Kiah found herself draped in a wool cloak, in Overseer Serene's frosty garden. Of course, Serene was dressed in wolf fur.
"If you travel east from morning till sunset, you'll reach Bleak Stone Bay. It's tiny, easy to miss by sea, but if you walk the frozen shores, you'll find it without fail.
Inside is a cave, if you approach, alone, steel yourself against illusionary dragons, you'll gain the blessing of Stoad the Wanderer. "
The skald considered this, "You must know this from experience?"
Serene let out a lilting laugh, "Oh no silly. Bright Hair's the only God for me. However, Verena gained some power from it."
Kiah's eyes widened at that, "I see." Then she smiled, "That's exactly what my grandmother would want. Thank you very much, I'll strike off tomorrow morning."
In Kiah's rucksack was Verena's icon of Stoad, Iron Comb's old god, the ugly sage, and master of secrets. This is how the bright woman knew Serene was telling her the truth.
For the rest of the day, Kiah entrained those in the Great Hall. Many requests were made and she met them all. A few of White Hall's skalds joined in with flutes and drums. These humble sets of performances brightened Serene's domain and filled it with honest joy and laughter.
(Forge Bond: Strong Hit)
That evening Kiah shared dinner with her father and brother and they discussed their next steps.
"She's insisting we await your return," fumed Tristan. "I don't like it, you shouldn't be going alone."
Gruff nodded.
"I don't trust her," Kiah agreed, "but her story rings true. Stoad was Iron Comb's god, and going alone is a common trial. If I'm not alone, I'll fail and we'd never hear the end of it from Grandmother."
"Let's hope Reema's spies have gotten what they needed," Tristian grumbled.
Kiah grinned, "I think they did, music is the only thing anyone in White Haven talks about."
Gruff put his hand on his sister's shoulder and gave her a meaningful look. He then glared at some of the young folks who,d been hitting on her.
Tristan chuckled, "He's right, everyone's talking about you. Maybe things are well after all?."
The next morning, on the third-floor balcony of the Great Hall, Serene and Iron Comb watched Song Hood wander out of the city gate and strike off eastward.
"How are Reema's lackeys?" asked Serene.
"Food for the sea," answered Verena.
The Overseer smiled sweetly, "Excellent."
"Where did you send her?" Iron Comb asked.
Seren bit her lip mischievously, "She'll be food for the sky."
"Bleak Stone Bay?" Verena asked, "And here I was afraid you'd show her mercy."
The Overseer turned thoughtful, "Yes, my people are infatuated with her, and she may indeed be blessed by Nightdottir but you're my dearest friend Iron Comb. I'll gladly send anyone who crosses you to their slaughter."
"My Queen," the priestess answered with a deep bow.
"Not Queen, not yet, but soon," giggled Serene.
(Undertake Journey: Miss)
Two hours after Kiah struck off, the weather turned foul. Snow began to fall heavily from the sky, and then the wind picked up.
(Face Danger: Miss)
(Endure Harm: Weak Hit)
The bright woman frantically searched for shelter but there was nothing on the frozen sea. As such, she was forced to wander through a world of stinging cold and blinding white.
(Journey: Strong Hit)
Eventually, the blizzard gave way to a clearer night. Kiah found herself on the shore. She took a moment to consult the stars and let out a sigh of relief. Through the white-out and bone-biting cold, she had continued in the right direction.
She lit a fire and partook in some rations to gather her thoughts. She pulled out Iron Comb's statue of Stoad and considered it. He was a troll in a hooded cloak, twisted and ugly. However, as she peered closer, she noticed he had a kind smile. This steadied her. Putting out the fire she struck off. It was a good night for a wander.
(Journey: Miss)
That would prove untrue. The temperature dropped even further. Soon Kiah found she had to keep moving or freeze, and even then she was dreadfully-dreadfully cold. It was, agonizing.
(Endure Stress: Weak HIt)
(Journey: Strong Hit)
(Reach Destination: Strong Hit)
After hours of crunching snow, the bright woman looked up to see she was in a secluded bay, and a dark, yawning cave was before her.
She cracked a smile, in this cold, it hurt.
(Face Danger: Weak Hit)
(Suffer Harm: Weak HIt)
Kiah took in a deep breath and walked boldly into the cave. She was soon plunged into darkness. Despite this, she kept striding forward, holding to her courage.
She heard a sudden huff and the sound of scales sliding on rock. She paused for a moment but remembered Serene's words, 'illusions of dragons. She continued on.
A low growl rumbled before her. She could feel hot breath on her face.
At the last moment, something clicked. With a cry, she leaped back and fell backward. That was the only thing that saved her from snapping jaws. She tried to roll on her front and quickly crawl away, but a large, scaley claw pinned her down.
"No." she whimpered, tears streaming down her cheeks.
[Fullfull Iron Vow: Weak Hit]
Suddenly a husky laugh echoed throughout the hall. There was a squeak of surprise as whatever was holding her was yanked away.
Kiah rolled back on her back and looked up.
[Endure Stress: Weak Hit]
A titanic woman, with red hair that was actually fire, stood above her. Her blue eyes were bright and filled with mirth. Over her shoulder was a black iron axe embedded with skulls.
Kiah's jaw dropped and she turned pale. Her hand grasped her chest, under which her heart beat with sheer awe and terror.
"You look like a corpse." The goddess chided.
"S-sorry?" stammered Song Hood. She sat up.
"You figured out that arse's trick at the last moment didn't ya?" rumbled the giantess.
Behind her Kiah spotted a group of wyverns fleeing. "Y-yes," the skald stammered. "She meant to kill me."
Doom Axe nodded knowingly.
"Thank you, so much for saving me," Kiah said, moving to a kneel. "I swear, I'll pay you back."
Bayara huffed and made a dismissive motion, "Think nothing of it. I was here to give you magic anyways."
Kiah blinked.
Doom Axe laughed at that, "Remember the haunt? You passed my test. What I give you should please even that prune of a grandmother of yours."
In spite of everything, Song Hood giggled at that.
The Giantess smiled, "There you go. That's the spirit I want to see."
Then, in a more serious tone, she added, "Get back to Reema, she'll need you in this coming battle. I'll send an omen to your father, he'll know to escape White Haven with Gruff. By the time you return to Great Mount, you'll have your new magic."
"Of course," Kiah pulled herself to her feet. With a bow she added, "Thank you again, goddess."
"Get out of here," huffed Bayara, as she turned and regarded the deeper cave. "I've got wyverns to tame."
With that Kiah exited the cave. She was warm, renewed, and the sun rose behind her to the east.