Image from here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Banquet_scene_Louvre_G135.jpg A bit of fun at the Althing. Dealing with the Overseer of Axe Brook and finding an unexpected ally.
[Oracle: Is the All-Thing in full swing? 50/50: Yes]
They spent the night in Oak Eye's hall.
The next morning, just as Song Hood was waking up, she was confronted with a well-dressed servant. She held herself with the pride of a great house. "Our overseer, Cadigan Fire Axe, wishes to breakfast with you. Once you are prepared, make your way to the Great Hall."
Gruff grumbled and shook his head groggily.
"Come, brother," Kiah said, "best wake up and attend him."
Axe Brook's Great Hall was like nothing Kiah had ever seen. The main hall was filled with tables and chairs by many fire pits. Even in the morning, it was full of people eating and chatting.
Quite a few eyed Song Hood, Foe Slayer, and Wolf Warden as they made their way in.
"Overseer Great Mount," called the servant woman. She stood at the foot of a great stairway. "With me, Cadigan awaits."
Kiah followed her up three flights of stairs and into a long, narrow hall. The servant opened a door, and the three stepped in.
Before them was a small room with a round table. On the opposite wall was Axe Brook's crest on a tapestry. Seated before it was a powerful man with golden hair and beard. At his side sat a dower-looking woman with a jagged scar on her cheek.
"Overseer Cadigan," Kiah greeted.
"Overseer Kiah," golden beard answered. He gestured to the table. "Sit, eat, talk." His manner was jovial.
Kiah sat, Gruff and Owena sat on either side.
"My brother, Gruff Foe Slayer, and Owena Wolf Warden from Long Whick," Song Hood introduced.
"Foe Slayer," Cadigan mused, "you wrested that name from Kayan Ghostbeard, did you not?"
Gruff's eyes flashed steel, and he nodded.
At that, Fire Axe laughed and slapped the table. "Well earned, boy, well earned."
"I am Morgan the Night," cut in the woman at his side. "my rude husband's wife."
"Sorry, dear," Cadigan chuckled.
Servants flooded in and quickly set the table with clear water, milk, eggs, bread, and bacon.
After they left, Night cut into her bread and eggs and said, "Your aunt's already talked to us. She didn't say much about you."
"You're not planning on burning our town, are you?" queried Cadigan.
[Face Danger: Strong Hit]
Kiah placed her mask on the table, doffed her hood, and stated flatly, "No." She cut a tiny piece of bacon and took a bite. Glancing up at Fire Axe, she added, "I'm not fond of burnings." She took a long sip of water while keeping a steady eye on him.
The overseer gasped, seeing her burn-scarred face. The dower Morgan did a double take and even whispered a prayer.
"Sire!" a warrior broke into the room.
Cadigan gathered his wits and said, "We're fine. Get out."
When his man paused in horror at Kiah's face, Fire Axe roared, "Don't gawk, leave, now!"
"Y-yes," the man retreated.
Gruff, as always, said nothing. He just focused on eating. Owena stifled a laugh.
In a whisper, Fire Axe asked, "What happened to you, lass?"
[Compel: Strong Hit]
Kiah told her story in a small voice. Of how she and Gruff avoided Glush in the Deep Wilds. Of her staying in Long Whick. Of contacting the Bleat the Bat in dreams and finding the source of Glush's power. Of stealing Zhivka's Hide in the Black Hall. Of the botched ritual that scarred Kiah's face but broke Glush's power. Of her fulfilling her vow to the trolls by singing praises to Leucia Nighdottir with them. She extenuated such with green and gold illusions that danced on the table.
Cadigan listened and watched, wide-eyed. Even Owena, who knew the story, was held in rapt attention. Morgan raised an eyebrow and admired the art.
When Kiah had ended her tale, she finished with, "In that regard, Bleat the Bat wishes to sue for peace with Axe Brook." She glanced at her companions, who nodded and stepped away to reveal the gems and ancient sword Bleat had sent. They leaned against the wall and sparkled.
"I am not offering this to sway your opinion on the White Haven suit against us; I'm merely fulfilling an iron vow."
[Fulfill Your Vow: Strong Hit]
Fire Axe nodded in awe. "I'll keep this in mind."
"Congratulations," Morgan quipped, "You've stupefied my husband."
After breakfast, the three found themselves outside the Hall. Gruff eyed his sister questioningly. "Now we mingle," suggested Kiah.
Owena tapped Kiah's mask, "That won't be easy. You look like a Thorn Land Witch."
Song Hood placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "That's why I have you two. You'll be my face."
[Sojourn: Strong Hit With A Match ]
[Oracle: Does it Turn Out That Kalina Will Speak On My Behalf? - Small Chance: No]
As per Kiah's plan, the three wandered the grounds.
Flint Fiddlefoot and his troop had finished their own breakfast. In the center of town, he had started the Saga of Jarn the Builder, who found the gods in their dreams and restored the world. His voice was loud and clear. His troop played the eerie notes of the beginning, where everything was shrouded in the midst of night. A large crowd had gathered.
Catching Kiah's eye, he gestured her over. The bright woman hesitated, but her brother nudged her forward. She stepped into the troop and added her voice to theirs. Her light soprano laced with Flit's tenor, giving the song new majesty.
Kiah let herself get lost in the music. No magic, no politics, just the song. Flint's voice was Jarn wandering the Cosmos, waking his friends and slowly reforging the world. Kiah's was that Cosmos. The darkness, the sunlight, the earth, the sea, and the trees. The dawn of a new world, back in the Homelands.
The song died off abruptly, as it always did. It ended with Jarn before the nameless god, the last he would awaken. He walked through that door, "Alas, the song is lost." Fint ended.
The crowd, which had grown substantially larger, groaned as per tradition. Then, they applauded.
Kia blinked. The shadows and sun had changed; it was mid-afternoon. She was parched and hungry but happy. The Saga of Jarn was her favorite. Her yearning to find its ending had sparked her first iron vow. It reminded her of her childhood, when her mother was still alive, when the weight of responsibility did not rest on her shoulders.
"Kiah Song Hood!" called out a bold, powerful voice.
Kiah glanced up to see a woman in white of unsurpassed beauty. She could only be Aida White Wing, Overseer of Fire Bridge.
"You'll and yours will sup with us tonight, I insist."
Her warriors cheered.
Gruff stood beside Aida, looking uncomfortable. Owena looked miffed.
They ate in one of the upper rooms of the Great Hall, which had a long table. They feasted on mutton, dried vegetables, fish, mead, and beer.
Aida sat at the head, looking very much like a Queen of the Mountains. Gruff sat on her right, Kiah on her left. Owena was beside Kiah. Aida's many warriors sat around the rest of the table.
"And thus, your brother toppled that blackguard Dag and won the tournament," White Wing finished.
The table cheered.
"Well, he is called Foe Slayer, after all," Kiah stated.
Aida laughed, "Indeed," she placed her hand on Gruff's. The silent warden reddened. Owena glared.
The table's reaction was mixed. Some nudged and grinned. Others glared at Gruff.
The Fire Bridge overseer then straightened up and added, in a serious tone, "However, what truly moved us was your voice. You hold a power, Song Hood, which could have only been granted by the gods."
Her court regarded Kiah with solemn respect.
Kiah placed her mask back onto her shadow-shrouded face and doffed her hood. "I'm truly honored that you and yours think so, Overseer Fire Bridge."
"I knew Serene of White Haven," Aida added. "She was a conniving wretch, and the world is better off without her."
Song Hood blinked.
"I knew of your grandmother as well, ruthless to the core. You, however, do not seem such. Therefore, you will have my support in tomorrow's suit," Aida concluded
To Kiah's surprise, the entire table cheered.
Owena and Gruff smiled.
So did Kiah.
It was good to have allies.