Picture from here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Arming_warrior_Staatliche_Antikensammlungen_1553_cropped_glare_reduced_white_bg.png
Kiah's family drama is far from over.
"Hail Gruff!" called a voice across the field.
The party turned to see a group of travelers. At their head was a handsome older man whose black beard was neat but streaked with grey.
"Hail Flint!" the bright woman called back cheerfully.
Gruff smiled and waved.
"Whose this?" asked Owena.
"Flint, a skald from Stone Mark. He's a good man," answered Song Hood.
"Kiah?" Flint asked as he and his party strode forward.
Gruff clasped his arm.
The bright woman answered, "A lot has happened." She pulled her hood so her masked visage was more in shadow. 'I-I miscast a ritual and there were...repercussions."
The skald frowned with concern, "In the war?"
"No," Owena cut in, "She suffered a curse while saving my home from Glush the Troll."
[Oracle - Does Flint Know About Glush? Likely: Yes ]
Flint's eyes went wide. His companions muttered and took a step back.
"It's alright," Kiah stressed waving her hands, "it's not contagious." Then, in a more deflated tone, "It only affects me. Just trust that you don't want to see my face."
"I'm sorry child," answered the skald with the care of a father. His party echoed his sentiment.
Forcing herself to cheer up, the bright woman added, "This is Owena Wolf Warden from Long Whick."
She stood tall and folded her arms, "Song Hood looks suspicious and comes baring Troll gifts. I intend to speak on her behalf."
Kiah instinctively slapped her forehead and hit mask.
[No roll to ward off suspicion because of the previous strong Journey Hit with a match.]
Thankfully the Skald found it amusing and just laughed.
"You will have to share your tales with us," he stated warmly. Then his expression dropped to seriousness, "but first you must hear what I have to say."
Kiah titled her head curiously. Gruff gestured for him to go on.
[Here's where we get into the Weak Reach Destination Hit]
In a conspiratorial tone, Flint said, "It's your aunt Ranna. She's sided with the White Haven refugees. She left before us. She must already be in the city. I'm afraid she may have poisoned the Althing against you."
Gruff frowned.
"What?" roared Wolf Warden. She went on a tirade as the skald tried to calm her.
Kiah squeezed her eyes shut, pulled off her mask, while keeping her hood down, to rub her temples.
Suddenly Shush had landed and nuzzled her side.
Flint's party staggard back in a panic, some drawing their weapons.
"No!" Kiah exclaimed. "This is my familiar, she's no danger."
"By Jarn!" gasped Flint as he gazed upon Kiah's burnt face.
They stared at each other for a long moment.
Gruff held Shush back, who hissed at the people who seemed to upset her mistress.
Kiah felt her tummy drop and fear and doubt churned within her.
"Everyone hold!" Flint's command knocked everyone, even Shush, into a stunned silence.
The skald grasped Kiah's hand and squeezed it, "You have my deepest apologies. I swear by the Great Dream to be your ally." To his friends he added, "Remember Raven Falls. Remember we all set their souls to rest together. Remember her voice, who sang a mourning sweet enough to please even Uktannu. No matter how she looks, this woman is kind."
At this his friends sheathed their weapons. "My apologies." "We're with you lady." "Flint is right." "Skalds must stick together."
Kiah wiped a tear and smiled hideously but also with warm honesty. "Thank you, thank you all." Her sweet voice expressed the truth of her gratitude.
Placing her mask back on, she steeled herself and said, "Shall we?"
Flint's and Kiah's party made their way up the hill to Axe Brook. Many voices muttered beyond the gate, the babble of a city preparing for celebration. Not liking the noise, Shush had flown off.
Through the gate they saw a city filled with people swarming between rows of longhouses, some over three stories tall.
At the far end was an enormous wooden structure towered over them all. Like a giant's house. Inlaid above it's massive door was the stream and golden axe sigil of Axe Brook.
"Flint Fiddlefoot," cried a booming voice, "good to see you."
[Gather Information: Strong Hit]
He was a broad shouldered man with one wooden eye and a peg leg. He strode forward with the help of a crutch inlaid with beautiful knotwork. He was dressed as a noble.
Flint laughed and clasped his arm, "Hirsham, you old rogue, great to see you."
Without missing a beat Kiah bowed and greeted, "Pleasure to meet you Oak Eye."
The old hunter turned to Kiah and did a double-take. He then took a step forward and peered at her evenly.
Gruff and Owena stepped closer to her, hands brushing their weapons.
Flint waved off their concern. To his friend he introduced, "This is Kiah Song Hood. Granddaughter of the Witch Weaver and Overseer of Great Mount."
"Oh," stated Oak Eye as if coming out of a dream. "My apologies lass, I mistook you for an Elf."
Kiah touched her mask, "This was a gift form Atani Raven Father, we drove a dark sorcerer from his domain."
Hirsham thought about that and nodded.
"This is my brother Gruff Foe Slayer and my friend Owena Wolf Warden, from Long Whick."
"I'm here to make sure she doesn't talk herself into trouble." Wolf Warden stated brashly.
At that Oak Eye snorted.
"You might have heard ill tidings about Great Mount," stated Flint, "but, as you can see, they're a colorful, pleasant lot."
"Elf friends always are," stated Hirsham.
He then gestured the group forward, "Come, I have benches and a warm meal prepared for all of you."
[Sojourn: Miss - It Is Stressful ]
The party were escorted into a a small hall that had been prepared for visitors. There was just enough room for Flint, his party, Kiah and her wardens. The benches were draped in soft furs, a stew pot was already on the fire.
After they had laid down their packs and sat, the servants ladled out bowls of stew and handed them mugs of ale.
Flint took the time to catch up with his old friend Oak Eye. His band chatted among themselves. The party took this moment to rest their weary feet fill their bellies.
An hour later, "If anyone could pull themselves from the wretched claws of death, it'd be you," snarled a commanding voice.
The party glanced up to see a large, scarred woman wearing a black wolf-fur cloak. Flanking her were a band of veteran warriors. They're weapons hung on their belts.
[Is Kalina the Fox with her? Unlikely: No]
"Aunt Ranna?" the bright woman stuttered, quickly securing her mask.
The glaring woman did a double-take at that. "Kiah?"
"Yes," Song Hood replied standing.
Gruff did as well.
"Who are you?" Owena asked, mouth full.
Gruff gestured her to hush.
"So it's true," she mused, "mother is dead and you have taken her place."
"It's good to see you Aunt Ranna," Kiah said with warmth.
The warrior woman held out her hand to silence her. "I am not your aunt. I disavow your vile bloodline. I do not court with town burners."
[Endure Stress: Weak Hit]
For once Song Hood had no words.
Suddenly Gruff got between them, fury in his eyes. He pushed Ranna on the shoulder and glared. Her companions laughed.
She sneered back at him, "I killed my brother, bout time I killed a nephew."
"Enough!" Kiah stormed.
[Compel: Strong Hit]
She hit her spear to the ground and it cracked like lightning. Her voice rumbled like thunder. "I did NOT vanquish Glush, get cursed by Zhivka and treated with Trolls to only to be mistreated by the likes of you. Your mother is dead, your sister is dead, and all you have for her children are scorn? The Night Mother frowns upon you Ranna Stone Soul!"
Ranna's warriors, eyes wide, took several paces back. Even Kiah's Aunt look rattled.
Kiah slumped on her bench and waved the aggressors off, "Go, we'll deal with this in court."
"Y-yes, we will," Ranna said cowed. She and her band turned and left the hall.
Gruff put a hand on his sister's shoulder. Owena took her hand. Flint got up and approached Song Hood gently.
She had taken off her mask and was crying.
Out of all the horrors she had faced, the hatred of her Aunt was the worst.