Picture from here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Masked_Woman_MET_DP804947.jpg
Something terrible happened to Kiah in this chapter. It definitely hurt her spiritually, but her true strength is her heart. Her bravery in spite of it all. It's how she was able to bounce back quickly. Reminder, though, this is fiction. If what happened to Kiah happened to me, I'd be wrecked, and understandably so.
[Fullfill Vow: Solve Long Wick's Troll Problem - Weak Hit]
Kiah opened her eyes and blinked at the stinging sunlight. The blurred shadows above her came into focus; she saw Gruff, Shush, and Atani Raven Father staring over her, their expressions lined with worry.
Her brother helped her sit up. Song Hood glanced about in confusion. They were back in Atani's swamp.
"W-what happened?" She asked.
Her face stung.
Gruff seized her wrist before she could touch her cheek.
"W-what?" asked the bright woman.
"We won," the alfar stated. "The wolves chased Glush out of the wood. However," he added with grim solemnity. "There was a cost."
Looking pained, Gruff let her wrist go.
Kiah touched her cheek it felt rough and scarred. She put both hands on her face and felt around, her fingertips running over scabbed flesh. Her visage was charred horror.
[Ensure Stress: Weak Hit ]
The skald let out an anguished wail that was swallowed by the swamp.
[Forge a Bond - Atani Raven Father: Strong Hit]
[Make Camp: Strong HIt]
The siblings spent an entire day and night in Thorn Land.
The scarred woman had cried until she had run out of tears. She then sat in front of a fire, simply staring into it. Gruff placed a blanket on her shoulders and stayed close to camp.
After hunting Shush lay her head in her lap.
Kiah fell asleep late that night and awoke late that morning.
While she was breaking her fast, Atani's shadow fell over her.
"Child," he said. "I do not have the power to restore what you've lost." He crouched down and presented her with a mask. The wood itself was crimson, and it was lined with intricate gold filigree. It held a simplicity but also a deep beauty.
The skald frowned darkly.
"Do not mistake this as a slight," Atani warned, "this is a bloodwood mask. It is sacred to my people. Only one other human has been granted such an honor in your kind's history."
Song Hood reached out and took it. It was smooth and lighter than expected.
"Wear it, and it will make you stronger, more able to fight off wolves who stand in your way," explained the alfar.
She glanced up at Atani and expressed with deep gratitude, "Thank you Raven Father."
The siblings and their wyvern arrived in Long Wick late that evening.
Taylah Apple Soul and the wolf woman greeted them. Their eyes went wide when Kiah stepped into the light, wearing her haunting crimson mask.
"By the homelands, what happened to you?" Asked the overseer.
"The cost of chasing Glush away," stated Kiah. Thankfully, the mask, despite covering all her face, did not muffle her voice.
The old herbalist frowned with concern. "Come in," she ordered. "Let's have a look at you."
[Does Apple Soul know how to restore Kiah's face? 50/50: No]
Later that evening Taylah sat down beside Kiah and let out a long sigh. "All my wisdom, and I no not how to heal you." She touched Kiah's shoulder, "I'm so sorry my dear."
Kiah touched her hand and smiled for the first time since being scarred. "Don't be. You've done your best."
Then, her eyes flashing steel, she grasped her black-iron, whale killer amulet and swore, "By this iron I swear that I'll find a way to restore my face."
[Swear an Iron Vow: Strong Hit]
In fact, she already knew a way to do so. However, that would have to wait till after fulfilling her vow to Wood Hill, attending the Althing, and securing Neda's clawbone.
The siblings and wyvern spent three days in Long Wick recuperating.
Kiah shared their story in the Great Hall. The skald's voice held everyone in rapt attention as she regaled her allyship with Atani Raven's Father, their encounter in the Black Hall, and the destruction of Glush's accord with the wolves.
[Forge A Bond: Strong Hit With A Match]
Her story brought both cheers and tears. More than one little girl looked up to her in awe, as if she were a hero from legend.
[Sorjun: Strong Hit]
The people of Long Wick rewarded the siblings with their best hospitality. Kiah and Gruff enjoyed their tastiest food. A few of their wardens even offered to accompany them to Wood Hill.
Kiah merely asked for directions. She did not want to anger the trolls.
The fourth morning found the siblings and Shush at Long Wick's gate. Overseer Apple Soul and wolf woman were there to see them off.
"Ask the trolls of Wood Hill if they can heal you," suggested Taylah.
"I'll consider it," stated Kiah, "but don't worry. If they can't help me I have a plan."
The Overseer shook her head wistfully, "Your courage is inspiring."
"Let's get going," stated the wolf warden, she walked briskly past the siblings.
They did a double-take.
The wolf woman glanced back at them, "I'm coming along, you don't have a choice."
Taylah Applesoul chuckled, "Don't fight it. Once Owena sets her mind some something, there's no shaking her."
"We better get a move on," noted Kiah brightly.
Gruff rolled his eyes and followed
Shush took off after.