Earlier Kiah sang the Saga of Aritga Curse Blood, a doomed Overseer in the the Deep Wilds. As such, it's only fair we revisit her now that Kiah's there. This is also why Song Hood reacts with sheer terror in her prescense, this a wraith she's heard tales of since she was a child.
[Oracle - Is The Weather Bad That Evening? - Likely: Yes ]
Dark clouds blanketed the sky, the wind picked up, and a sprinkle of rain brought dampness and cold to the forest.
Gruff hunched in his seat and eyed Kiah dubiously.
"If we went during the day," Song Hood explained, "we'd still be in danger. We wouldn't see Aritga, but she'd curse us nonetheless. Meeting her at night makes it easier for Atani to negotiate. If she gives us Zhivka's hide of her own accord, all the better for us."
The silent warden considered this, then seemed to agree, but did not like it.
Song Hood took out two small rabbit carvings from the ritual kit in her pack. She planted both in the ground and prayed.
[Secure Advantage: Weak Hit]
She plucked them from the ground and handed one to her brother, "Wards against evil," she stated.
Gruff nodded and tucked it in his belt.
She then walked over to her white wyvern, Shush, who was curled miserably at the roots of a tree. She knelt and sang a low, soothing song to her familiar.
[Compel: Strong Hit with Match ]
The wyvern chrrred and pushed her head under Kiah's palm. Song Hood stroked her and whispered, "Stick to the trees and look for us bright one but don't follow. We'll be finished with our business soon."
Shush looked at her for a long moment, seeming to understand.
Then, sensing something, Kiah stood and glanced to the woods.
Atani Raven Father stepped out of the gloom, "Are you prepared?" he asked.
Kiah gave him an even nod. Gathering his courage, Gruff stood.
With that, the three strode through the dark, on the last leg of their journey to the Black Hall.
They walked silently through the eerie forest and clambered up a hill. As they did Kia softly hummed a haunting tune.
[Face Danger: Strong Hit]
The carved rabbits' eyes opened and the siblings vanished from sight.
Moments later they reached the top of the hill. With the clouds and splattering of rain, it was pitch black. Atani's eyes shone green.
"Aritga Curse blood, child of sorrow, show yourself," the Alfar commanded.
A low grumble echoed from the darkness. Then a shriek pierced the air, and, in a flash, she was before them.
Aritga Curse Blood, wretched Overseer who was poisoned by her suitors She was stark white but her eyes were like coal. Blood stains ran down her cheeks. Her raven hair floated behind her as if she was under the sea. She wore a tattered royal dress. Her fingers ended in claws.
[Endure Stress: Weak Hit ]
Kiah bit her lip to stop from screaming. Her nails dug into her palm and she bled.
"What right have you to wake me from my rest Alfar?" asked the wraith in a booming voice.
"Glush the Troll has wronged me, in return I hope to break his power. Give me Zhivka's hide," stated the immortal.
Elf or no, the siblings' eyes went wide at his sheer audacity.
[Oracle Does Atani's Audacity work? - Small Chance: No]
The wretched one let out a bitter laugh. "Why in the Homelands would I ever do that?"
Regardless of the danger, Kiah strode forward, silently praying that her spell held true.
[Face Danager: Weak Hit - Burned Momentum]
[Endure Stress: Miss]
While the Alfar and the wraith traded barbs, Kiah fumbled around in the ruined hall, Agita's ghastly luminescence her only light.
Kiah's boots crunched old bones, the floor was littered with skeletons. The hall was deathly cold. Her hand brushed against furry hide on one of the tables.
Curse Blood cackled.
At that, Kiah bolted out of the hall with whatever she was holding.
The wraith had not noticed, so focused was she on the taunting elf before her.
The skald knew not how long she ran. She sat at the root of a tree hugging the furs she had stolen. Her face was marred by branch scratches.
What brought her out of her terror was a warm light. She stared up to find Atani Raven Father, a green flame in hand, regarding her.
Seeing what she clutched, he grinned, "Ah, you were successful."
Kiah got a second to regard the wolf hide she clutched before her brother enveloped her in a hug.
Song Hood let out a little laugh. "I suppose I'm cursed now?"
The Alfar chuckled, "No. My mocking covered your flight."
His massive, spindly hand patted her on the head, "At ease child. The task is done. I shall watch you tonight, and tomorrow we will break Glush's accord with the wolves.