Picture from here: https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/polish-king-caricature/
This game's called Dream Chaser, so it makes sense that things should happen in Dreams.
[Oracle: Bleat, He/Him, Weak, Agreeable, Resourceful, Overseer of Wood Hill Trolls]
[Oracle - What Kind of Dream Does Kia Enter? Locate Community]
Kiah dreamed of the Deep Wilds in a heavy fog. She walked slowly, with her hands out so as to avoid smacking into the looming trees.
Suddenly she saw a pair of red eyes twinkle erilee before her. They were short, only came up to her waist, but their presence pulled her attention like a leaf in a whirlpool.
"Who are you?" the creature grumbled.
[Compel: Weak Hit ]
Kiah took a deep breath and responded, "I am Kiah Song Hood, Witch of Great Mount. I summoned Atani Raven Father's children to aid me get past Glush's traps. In return, your kinsman slaughtered Atani's ravens. So I stand before you, as a representative of the alfar, and Long Wick to ask for advice on how to remove him from their woods."
Their eyes winked shut, and the witch saw a long-eared head shake as if in disappointment.
[Oracle: Why did Glush Leave? Restore, Labor]
[Oracle: What is Glush's Labor? Find Prize]
[Oracle: What does Bleat Want? Escort Deception]
[Is Glush Bleat's brother? (50/50) No ]
The being stared up at Kiah and their eyes shone brighter. Despite the fog, Kiah saw two rows of jagged teeth. "Hear me Kiah Song Hood. I am Bleat the Bat, Overseer of Wood Hill, land of pestilence of death. Our kinsman seeks the White Fox. Catch this for him, and he will return to our land or horrors."
Bleat's voice was pure venom.
[Gather Information: Weak Hit]
Kiah frowned, this creature did not evoke much fear in her. After all, she had stared down a haunt, wandered into a wyvern's cave, and even spoke with Bayara Doom Axe herself.
She also knew the story of White Fox.
[Oracle: What is the Story of White Fox? Break Freedom]
[God of the Forests: Etana the Spider, Bold, Cunning, Quiet]
Diplomatically, she answered, "Long Wick and Atani have suffered enough, and I have no wish to incur the Spider's curse for killing her son."
After a moment, she pleaded, "Glush is of your blood, surely you know that if he succeeds, Wood Hill will face Etana's wrath as well. I beg you, help us stop him. It's for your benefit, as much as ours."
[Compel - Burned Momentum: Weak Hit ]
[Oracle - What Else Does Bleat Ask? Endure Spirit]
Bleat's shadowy shoulders slumped, when he spoke his voice was kind, yet sorrowful, "Y-you're right. We need to stop him. However, he is loved, and I will need something for my community in return."
"Last night we heard the most lovely voice sing praises to Lucia Nightdottir. We consider ourselves her children. If you can get an ironsworn to swear a vow, to bring her to us, I'll share a secret that will help defeat Glush."
Kiah blinked in surprise. Composing herself, she stated, "I know this songstress. She wouldn't want to stay in Wood Hill forever."
[Oracle - Does Bleat Plan on Keeping the Singer? (50/50) No ]
"Oh no, she's obviously blessed by the Mother, we wouldn't hold her against her will." Then, nervously, he added, "Please disregard what I said about death and pestilence. The truth is, Wood Hill wants no trouble from elves or humans. I was just trying to scare you."
Kiah considered this for a long moment, then held her black iron whale killer amulet and said, "On this iron I swear, that if you help me defeat Glush, I will visit Wood Hill to sing praises to Leucia NIghtdottir."
[Swear Iron Vow: Weak Hit]
The eyes in the fog blinked. "You're the singer and ironsworn?"
"Would you expect anything less from the witch of Great Mount?" responded Kiah.
[Oracle: Does Bleat know Great Mount (Unlikely)? No]
"I know nothing of Great Mount. Prove to me you are this singer." stated the Bat evenly.
[Compel: Strong Hit]
At that, Kiah began to sing. It was a light melody of spring. It held power and affected the dream itself. The fog rolled away, the sun shone down and they were now in a lovely glade where the trees sported red flowers.
Bleat was revealed. He was short troll with large eyes; and ears. He wore a red fox fur tunic. He was actually rather adorable.
[Forge A Bond: Weak Hit - Bond will be forged after Kiah sings for Wood Hill]
"Y-yes, you're certainly her," concluded Bleat.
"Will you help me then?" asked Kiah.
[Oracle: What Does Bleat Know? Destroy Resource]
[Oracle: Black Hall, Marsh, Grim ]
The Overseer of Wood Hill took a moment to gather himself, and then said, "To the northeast of Wood Hill and south of Thorn Hill is the Black Hall. There, Glush has placed the hide of the Great Wolf Zhivka. Burn this and his power over wolves will vanish."
Song Hood let out a strangled cry, "The Black Hall? You mean the home of Artiga Curse Blood?"
"The same," Bleat answered evenly.
"How in the stars did he manage that?" huffed Kiah.
Bleat shrugged, "No idea." Then, he smiled sheepishly, "Would you be willing to sing to us before your suicide quest?"
The skald regarded him apologetically, "My first vow takes precedence. Still, I don't plan to die. Trust that I'll visit Wood Hill soon.
Thank you for your help Bleat."
With that, she woke up and vanished.