Picture from here: https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/not-touch-it/
Setting Note: There's no differentiation between arcane and clerical magic in my Ironsworn. All magic is pulled down from the gods. Witches and wizards in this setting are said to have links to them and know spells to invoke their aid.
A moment of silence hung after Kiah's vow. Taylah Apple Soul blinked, and then stated, "Well, I suppose you are determined." Then after a long sigh, she added, "Of course, you're free to rest here and prepare."
"Thank you," said Kiah.
Gruff glared at her.
"We will not take this lightly," she added.
Gruff shook his head and face-palmed.
The overseer gave him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as she walked out of the Great Hall, to attend her other duties.
(Sorjurn: Strong Hit)
Kiah and Gruff spent the night and the next day in Long Whick. Their hospitality was not lacking. They ate with Taylah and found her a gracious host and wonderous storyteller. The stew she brewed held a magic that warmed the soul.
The next day, the few remaining Long Wick wardens paid their respects. When they saw how young the siblings were they shook their heads, certain they were witnessing two young people throwing their lives away.
The following evening, the bear-cloaked warden strode over to the siblings as they were feeding Shush and chatting. She tossed two full packs before them.
Kiah flinched at the suddenness of it.
"You're jumpy, you sure you're not going to run?" snorted the warden.
"N-no," Kiah stammered. "In fact, Gruff and I were just discussing strategy."
The bear woman nodded, "Then take these," she gestured to the packs, "they're clothes to help you hide in the woods, and supplies if you need to stay out longer."
"Oh," responded Song Hood, then in an honestly grateful tone she added, "Thank you."
Gruff gestured to her, pointed out the gate, and then made a tapping motion at her forehead.
The warrior looked confused.
"He's asking if you have any advice."
(Gather Information: Strong Hit )
(Advice She Gives: Hold, Family)
The warden huffed, "I do, but if you mock this, I'll knock you through the palisade."
"Noted," Kiah answered raising her hands, "no laughter, I promise."
The bear woman pointed past the walls to where the forest rose high. "Glush's people live in Wood Hill. He should be there, but he's here. Maybe we should find out why?"
Gruff's eyes went wide at that suggestion.
Song Hood considered it carefully, "You're not wrong," Then with a grin, she added, "and I think I know who to ask."
Foe Slayer gave his sister a knowing look.
She scritched her wyvern's chin and nodded, "Indeed, the Ravens."
"Ravens?" the bear woman asked.
"I'm a witch," Kiah answered, "I have ways of finding secrets."
Before going to bed that night, Kiah knelt in an open area of the town. Before her was a braiser, in which burned offerings to Leucia Nighdottir. She sang a prayer of thanks and blessings. Her beautiful, haunting voice drifted across the square.
(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit with a Match)
When she was done, she was surprised to see townsfolk standing around her.
They gawked at her. She gawked at them.
"T-that was," stated Taylah Apple Soul, "the most beautiful thing I've ever heard."
The crowd mumbled in agreement. Even bear woman seemed taken aback.
Kiah doused her braiser, gathered her ritual instruments, and said, "It was to my patroness, so, I had to give it my all."
"And so you did," commented the overseer. "Please come inside. I'm sure the gods are pleased."
"Of course," said Song Hood. Then to the crowd, "Goodnight everyone."
They muttered good evening back, and headed to their halls, as if coming out of a deep dream.
As Kiah entered the hall with Apple Soul, she asked, "New Hope told me you were a town of mystics. Surely, my prayers are nothing special here?"
Taylah shook her head, "We're herbalists and healers. Glush aside, we're not used to wyverns and witches."
(Augur: Weak Hit - Burned Momentum)
(What Other Tiding's do the Crows Bring? Avenge, Revenge)
The next morning, just as the sun rose above the trees in the east, Kiah stepped outside the great hall, lifted her hand to the heavens and asked, "Ravens, heed me. Why is Glush in these woods and away from his people?"
She suddenly felt a touch on her shoulder. She turned to see a scarred, one-eyed Raven sitting there. A thorny branch was in his beak. He dropped it to the ground, let out a loud caw, and flew off into the sky.
Kiah blinked in confusion.
Taylah brushed past her and picked up the branch, examining it closely she said, "Thorn Land."
(Is the creature in Thorn Land a God? Small Chance: No )
(Character Oracle: Atani, Stoic, Talented, Dependant)
"Thorn Land?" Song Hood repeated.
Apple Soul glanced at her and explained, "A day northeast of here there's a moor filled with trees like this." She swished the branch. "Before Glush we used to go there often for herbs. Not a comfortable place but safe. Stewarded by an elf named Atani Raven Father."
"I guess this would be an invitation," concluded Kiah.
The overseer nodded, "I agree. Be cautious though, Glush may try to kill you before you reach him."
She then shrugged, "Also, whenever we traveled there, we were very cautious. We left offerings and avoided meeting with Atani if at all possible. Some in our town don't even believe he exists."
Grimly she added, "They're wrong, he does. Be very careful with him, one slip up in etiquette and he'll bury you in the swamp. Nearly happened to me."
Kiah swallowed nervously, "Noted."
Song Hood then understood why Gruff slapped his forehead when she made her vow. This was getting out of hand.
This was a pleasing read. The prose and pacing are smooth with the game elements blended in nicely.