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Session 23 - Trolls and Wolves


Updated: Jan 28

Ironsworn journeys have many twists and turns. Which makes them good. They feel very Tolkienesk.

(Pay the Price: Your action has an unintended effect.)

(Oracle - What Unintended Effect? Gather, Nature)

Kiah and Gruff strode down the path and into the Deep Wilds. Soon enough they walked among the budding trees.

"For once, the sea doesn't surround us Gruff." Song Hood commented.

Her brother nodded.

Kiah focused, "Let us do our best not to get lost." He nodded again.

(Face Danager - Wits: Weak Hit)

(Oracle - What Kind of Trap Is Nearly Sprung? Strengthen, War)

They continued for a time, with Shush gliding from thick tree branch to branch. Suddenly the ground gave out before Kiah, there was a moment of pause as she felt the world tilt. Before she could fall Gruff seized her and pulled her back.

After a pause, the two looked into the pit before them.

It was full of wooden spikes.

There were skeletons in there.

(Endur Stress -1: Miss)

Kiah held her beating heart, her eyes wide. After a moment she yelled, "Who put that there?"

Her brother shrugged. Shush let out a chrr.

Song Hood huffed and began to pull her ritual items from her pack.

Foe Slayer put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

Kiah frowned, "You're right." She glanced around, "those who set that up might still be around." She hastily tucked her ritual tools back.

Gruff made a sweeping gesture around the forest.

The witch shook her head, "I can only make things glow that I can see. That spell won't work on traps."

"However,..." she rolled up her sleeve, revealing the blue raven tattoo on her arm, "I have the perfect magic. I'll just need to cast it without preparation."

(Augur: Weak Hit)

(What Do Tidings Do They Bring Instead? Control, Land)

With that Kiah closed her eyes and reached out to the skies. Moments later, one by one, ravens landed in the branches above.

Shush hissed.

Gruff did a double-take.

"Friends," Kiah beamed, "would you show us a safe path to Long Whick?"

With a caw, the largest raven flew...north. Completely the wrong direction.

Song Hood glared at the crow, sighed, and said, "Come on Gruff, let's follow. He's leading us to something." She struck off and added with a mutter, "Hopefully not another trap."


(Location: Rock Rock, Foothills, Mystical)

(Oracle: Is the Druid Human 50/50? No)

(Character: Glush, He/Him, Troll, Druid, Bitter, Aggressive, Vengeful, Protect the Status Quo)

(Face Danger Wits: Strong Hit with a Match )

The siblings followed the raven for most of the day. Whenever they lost sight of him, he'd caw, and they'd alter their course to his path.

As they travelled a new sound reached him. A steady whooshing, like a bellows. The ground broke up into rocky outcroppings, gripped by roots.

Eventually, they reached a dark cave. Out of which rumbled the bellows sound.

The raven landed at the entrance to the cave.

"Oh crap," Kiah squeaked as she held Gruff back. "That's snoring, there's a troll in there."

Gruff's eyes went wide.

Shush flew up in a flash.

Suddenly the snoring stopped, to the sound of smacking lips, and the groan of someone old and large standing up.

The sun had nearly set.

"Gods!" eeped Kiah, grabbing her brother's arm, "We have to hide!"

(Face Danger Essence: Weak Hit)

Moments later a troll, covered in rich forest soil, stepped out of the cave. He was twice the size of Gruff. He wore a forest green cloak and wielded a hooked staff.

He frowned and sniffed like a bloodhound, his red eyes sweeping over the woods. After a moment, he grumbled and stormed off to the south.

(Endur Stress -1: Strong Hit )

Moments later, two rocks outside the cave stood up and became the siblings.

Kiah let out a sigh. "That was close."

The raven flew into the cave.

Gruff frowned.

Kiah shrugged and then walked in.

(What Treasure Does The Raven Land On? Serve, Vengeance)

Kiah lit a torch at the entrance. It revealed a small dwelling. It had a large bench. Shelves stacked with herbs, bones, and potions. A large chest at the foot of the bed. The raven had landed on a dagger that had an emerald inlaid on its hit.

Song Hood considered it curiously, frowned, and then reached out for the knife. The raven hopped off, as if inviting her to take it. The witch did indeed.

Gruff looked ill at ease at that.

"I trust the ravens," Kiah stated, "there's a reason why we should have this." She tucked the dagger away.

The raven let out a caw and then flew out of the cave.

"Let's go," Song Hood added.

Foe Slayer nodded and the siblings departed.


(Undertake a Journey: Weak Hit)

Kiah and Gruff rushed through the woods, their way illuminated by torch-light. They paused in a clearing, where they took out some salted fish and had a quick break.

Shush flew down to partake, and Kiah gave her an extra helping.

Gruff looked back where they had come, his hand on his axe.

"We should keep going till dawn," stated his sister.

She looked up at the stars, "Besides, I think we're close to Long Whick.


(Undertake a Journey: Weak Hit)

The travelers continued through the night. Though sleep tugged at their minds, fear of the troll was stronger. They swiftly made their way through the woods.

Shush, now more confident, nuzzled Kiah's pack for more treats. The Bright Woman was forced to acquiesce.


(Undertake a Journey: Miss)

(Pay the Price: New Danger or Foe is revealed )

The sun began to break through the trees.

Kiah smiled, "I think we missed Long Whick, but at least we don't need to worry about the troll anymore."

Suddenly, they heard the howl of wolves, frighteningly close.

Gruff glared at her.

Kiah spotted smoke rising in the south. "There's Long Whick! Run!"


(Undertake a Journey: Strong Hit )

(Reach Destination: Strong Hit)

The siblings fled, fear bolstering their steps. Shush flew on ahead.

The pack got closer, they could hear their snarling and barking.

They broke into a clearing to see a wooden palisade before them. Standing on top was a woman with a bow. She glanced at Kiah and Gruff, and then back at the shadow of the wolves in the woods. "Quicky!" she pointed west, "Get around to the gate."

"Thank you," Kiah gasped, as she and her brother ran around the wall. The ranger on the wall started losing arrows. A yip echoed from the pack as she struck true.

Within moments, Song Hood and Foe Slayer burst through the open gates and collapsed, their lungs on fire from all the running.

The pack spun after them, close on their heels, but right into the waiting blades of the six wardens who stood guard. There were howls and flashes of tooth and steel. Three grey wolves lay dead, the other three fled.

One of the wardens helped Kiah up. "Welcome to Long Whick stranger, may your stay be more peaceful than your journey."

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