Picture From Here: https://picryl.com/media/pieter-bruegel-the-elder-hunters-in-the-snow-winter-google-art-project-chimney-13d01e
I don't like complications dragging the story on. However, I've learned to let such color future stories instead.
Neda Frosthide was larger than their longship, a hill of blue fur.
"We'll need many to skin and butcher her," stated Tristan Toothhand.
"It'll take several trips to bring everything back," considered Ishana, one of the Eight.
Gruff glanced at them with uncertainty.
Kiah held her tears and steeled her aching heart. "It's fine brother. Tuana sent Neda as our punishment and salvation. As long as we freeze bones in offering, we'll be fine."
Then, in a tone of command, she added, "Gruff, myself, and Althus will head back to Great Mount. Father and the rest will guard Neda."
Tristan nodded, "We'll await the others. Be sure to get some rest."
Kiah touched her side, and winced, "Trust me, I won't underestimate this wound."
They docked in Great Mount that afternoon. Amara Deep Laugh and the townsfolk were there to greet them.
Shush dropped out of the sky, and with a chrrrr, nuzzled his mistress. She smiled sadly and scritched the affectionate wyvern.
"Overseer, I..." Amarah was at a loss for words.
The crowd held stifled gasps and sobs.
Kiah blinked at them, then it dawned upon her what they thought, having come back with less than half their troop.
She let out a breath and then forced a grin. "It's not what you think. Neda has been killed, but it cost us sore. We lost Kion Dream Talker, Tamara Ill Fate, and Siorra the Reckless. The rest are well and watching Neda. We need volunteers to bring back her meat and fur."
"Thank the gods," sighed Amarah.
The townsfolk staggered with relief. Some cried and wailed, these were embraced by others.
"This deed will go down in legend, the fallen are heroes," Kiah stated, "They will be honored as such."
The crowd nodded and grumbled in agreement.
Amarah considered the Overseer more closely, "You're hurt. You three, get our Overseer to bed and fetch the healer immediately. The rest of you with me."
Three servants seized Kiah and guided her away. As she was pulled to the hall she called back, "Amarah, make sure all the bones are accounted for. We can't afford to lose a single one!"
(Fulfill Vow - Lead A Party To Slay Neda Forst Hide: Strong Hit )
(Sourjurn - Miss with a Match - You are separated from something or someone.
What Pulls Her Into A Deep Dream? Co-ordinate Greed
Dream Location: Expansive River
What Does He Offer? Inspect Secret)
Kiah awoke to find herself on a sturdy raft drifting downriver, on a bright, crisp, day. "Good morning," purred a cloaked figure before her. His green eyes flashed from under his hood.
(Gather Information: Weak Hit)
"I-I'm dreaming aren't I?" the Bright Woman stammered. She narrowed her eyes at him, "But you...you're not a dream. Who are you?"
He folded his hands and leaned forward, "Just a simple traveler, with an offer."
"O-oh?" asked Kiah.
"You have Neda Frosthide," the dream stranger stated, "I simply want one of her fingers."
"Hah!" Kiah laughed, "Tuana Sky Riddle would wreak disaster upon us." Then...after a moment, she added, "My apologies, I cannot risk my people no matter what the prize."
"You are right to be cautious," the cloaked one agreed. "However, I am full of tricks. I can replace that bone with a facsimile. Something that will be undetected even after the Winter Mother raises Neda from the dead."
Kiah stood so the stranger no longer loomed over her, "It's still too reckless," she dusted her dress off, "I must refuse."
"Jarn the builder, I know how his story ends," the cloaked one mentioned casually.
That got the Bright Woman's attention. Suddenly she was back home and a decade younger. She held her black iron, whale killer amulet before her parents.
Tristan and Solana stared at her in shock.
"Can we take that thing from her?" her mother asked.
"No," stated Tristan with a dark frown. "Kiah, take your vows seriously."
"I am!" the words came unbidden, "I need to know how it ends. Everyone does, and I'll find out!" After a long moment, she added "Eventually."
The scene paused and the dream stranger stepped in, "We'll skip the severe dressing down you received," he chuckled.
(Endure Stress: Miss)
Kiah's eyes widened, she took a step back, "Y-your Stoad Secret Keeper, aren't you?"
"In the dream flesh," he answered, doffing his hood.
His visage was the most inhuman thing Kiah had ever seen, she stifled a scream and fell to one knee.
"Think about it my dear," the god whispered. "Your first iron vow fulfilled and only at the cost of revenge on an uncaring goddess."
Kiah woke up covered in sweat. She let out a hiss as pain stabbed her side.
In the hall, in the shadows, she heard Stoad chuckle.
(Fulfill Vow - See Great Mount Through the WInter: Strong Hit )
Kiah anxiously awaited the return of the Mourn Land party. That they didn't return by the following evening filled her with anxiety.
The following morning Amarah Deep Laugh found her pacing at the back of the Great Hall.
"We have good news Overseer," he stated.
"Y-yes Deep Laugh? What is it?" the Bright Woman asked.
Ishana Iron Will stepped forward and dropped to one knee.
"Please stand Ishana, you helped kill Frosthide, so there's no need for formality," Kiah stated warmly.
The warden stood and smiled.
"You look exhausted," Kiah expressed.
"I can say the same for you Overseer," Ishana laughed.
"Tell me then then, what good tidings do you bring?" asked Song Hood.
"It's Neda Frosthide," started the warden, "we butchered her but there's still plenty of meat on her bones."
Kiah blinked, "Excuse me?"
"I brought back as much as we can smoke but we haven't made a dent in the bear. Tooth Hand, your father, believes this is Tuana's blessing. Frosthide will provide for us for the winter."
As Song Hood considered this, Ishana added, "With your permission Overseer, I'd like to gather more volunteers and sail back to Mourn Land with two more boats. We plan to bring Neda here."
"Granted," Kiah answered, "Please, get some rest and leave on the morn."
"Will do." the warden bowed and made her leave.
Two days later Neda Frosthide was brought to Great Mount.
Tristan's ship was in the lead, full of sailors who rowed with deep, and powerful strokes. It towed two other longships, lashed together. Resting on them was something huge wrapped in sail.
Kiah and Gruff were there to greet Tristan Toothand.
He embraced them both, but frowned at his daughter, who looked pale and haggard, despite her Overseer's garb. "I thought I told you to rest?"
"Once Neda is secure, I will," promised Song Hood.
Even with sleighs and many hands, it took the entire day to drag the carcass of the deep bear into the city.
It was kept under sail and tight guard. Even so, Kiah ordered meat to be cut away so they might feast in celebration of Tuana's gift.
As per Tristan's word; though they cut the meat away, it seemed not to diminish off the carcass at all. Soon they had enough to roast and serve the entire town.
It was a good, clear night, where the stars shone brightly. The roast was succulent and tender, filling bellies and warming spirits.
In thanks, Kiah burned some of Great Mont stores in praise to Tuana.
Also, each of the fallen were burned a generous portion. Kiah sang a song of glory for them, which brought tears to all. Afterward, the Overseer wept on her own.
(Face Danger With Essence: Miss )
(Pay the Price: A surprising development complicates your quest.)
Great Mount made it through the winter but Kiah had no rest. She ensured guards were always stationed around the Deep Bear, and cast enchantments on the sails so she would always know who touched the carcass.
Though her bite wound healed, she was still haggard and stressed.
Regardless, her people ate well, despite the cold snows. Neda's fur was made into blankets and cloaks. They were water-resistant and warm.
As the nights became shorter, the bear's bounty began to diminish. Eventually, Neda's carcass was picked clean, leaving only a giant skeletal bear in her place.
Once this happened, Kia ordered Neda drenched in water and exposed.
Thus the frozen skeleton was displayed at the edge of town for all to gawk at. The remains of an awesome monster bear, larger than a longship, her hollow eyes starting at the populous.
Kiah tripled the guard and kept up her sentry spells.
Soon after the winter broke the skeleton melted with the ice encasing her, Tuana had taken her familiar back to her realm.
Only then did Kiah truly sleep.
(What Form Does Tuana Take? Eliminate Shelter)
Song Hood found herself buffeted by wintery winds, tossed around like a snowflake in a cloud of white. The chill cut right through her.
(Endure Stressed: Weak HIt)
The Bright Woman's soul flickered in the gale, but somehow remained alight.
The Goddess didn't communicate in words, but Kiah understood nonetheless. Despite her best efforts, someone had stolen one of Neda's finger bones.
Even in this dream, Song Hood's black iron, whale killer amulet was with her, she held it aloft and swore, "By this iron I swear to retrieve Neda's stolen finger bone and return it to Tuana Sky Riddle!"
(Swear an Iron Vow: Weak Hit )
With that she woke up, the warmth of the hall slowly seeping into her bones. To her surprise, her arm was marked with a tattoo of a raven, a spell to help her on her new quest.