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Session 20 - Winter Monster


Updated: Nov 7, 2023

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First fight of this game using strikes and clashes. Given Kiah has an Iron of 1, she brought with her an entire hunting party. Even so, defeating a legend, any legend, has a cost.

In the crisp winter evening, Kiah stood before her people. The temple, with its spear-topped icons, rose behind her. Her wyvern, Shush, was curled around the tallest one, watching with a cat-like gaze. Beside her stood Amara Deep Laugh, his arms crossed. Torchlight illuminated them.

(Oracle: Overseer who wronged the gods: Indirra Strange Mind - She Remove, Secret)

"Long ago, Indirra Strange Mind built a bonfire so great, her people would never feel the sting of winter. However, her plan was ill-advised, for it melted Tauna Sky Riddle's ice tablet, which held her secret wisdom.

In return, the Goddess of Wind and Winter threw a blizzard of the likes the world has never seen on Shore Haven, which is how the city gained the name, White Haven.

A terrible winter followed, so cold, it would kill a warrior in minutes.

Indirra, overcome with grief, wandered out of the city to throw herself at the mercy of Tuana. The Goddess of Snows accepted her into her winter kingdom. She then let loose her familiar, the deep bear Neda Frosthide.

The creature hunted the people of White Haven for an entire month, slaughtering any hunter or warden that dared stand up to her. Then, on the full moon, Brynn Spear Bite, and her hunters brought the creature low. They wove her fur into clothes that saved them from Tuana's unnatural chill."

She let the story hang in the silence, and then added, "My Grandmother's plan was ill-advised. Setting White Haven ablaze, while calling upon Tuana to help burn her was a dreadful insult. One we're paying for now, for Neda Frosthide has visited our Circle."

Gasps and murmurs rose from the crowd. Her father, and brother, who stood at its front, hung their heads low. "However," Song Hood's powerful voice cut through the fear, "we are not forsaken. It is my hope that if were to slay the bear we will gain a blessing. This isn't a curse, it is a trial. One Great Mount will pass."

With that, she lifted her black iron, whale killer amulet, and swore, "On this iron, I swear, I will lead a party to vanquish Neda Frosthide."

(Swear and Iron Vow: Weak Hit)

Her people cheered, but the cold weight of the vow caused Kiah's heart to tremble.


Overseer spent the whole night in the temple, praying to the Mistress of Winter, accepting her trial, begging that, this would be the end of the town's penance.

(Secure Advantage: Weak Hit )

The winter chill cut through the temple walls and Kiah shivered miserably. However, she endured, and when the sun crested the horizon, she felt a firm hand on her shoulder.

At this point, Kiah drew magic into herself.

(Invoke: Weak HIt)

(Endure Stress: Strong Hit)

The chill entered her being, but she accepted it, became one with it. Magic swirled at her fingertips like snowflakes on the wind.


The next day Overseer Song Hood sat in the middle of the Great Hall, kantele on her lap. She plucked on its strings and sang out a haunting tune that echoed out. It was a call to courage, a call to arms, a desperate plea for a band of hearty warriors to gather.

(Compel: Strong Hit)

When her song ended, and she opened her eyes, her father, brother, Kione Dream Talker, and eight wardens stood before her. She smiled up at them.


Tristan had drawn islands in the snow. "Tracking deep bears is impossible. They swim with the strength and distance of any whale. Therefore we need to bate Neda into a trap."

Gruff frowned at his father.

Tooth Hand nodded, "That's why we'll need to hunt. Afterwards," he tapped an island to the northeast, "we'll set our trap in Mourn Land and wait, If fortune smiles upon us we can trap Frost Hide, and finish her off."

Kione, nodded, "It's a sound plan."

Kiah grinned, "Agreed, to the hunt it is."


(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit - Spent Momentum)

The next day Tristan, Gruff, and the Wandens went out on the hunt. That evening they returned with large seal carcases.

Kiah and the eight wardens met them outside Great Mount, their longship ready.

Ishana, one of the eight, let out a low whistle, "This could go a long way to help us through the winter."

Tristan replied with a fierce grin, "If this works, we'll be feasting on deep bear."


(Face Danger (with Essence): Strong Hit)

They sailed swiftly that night for Mourn Land, an isle of jagged rocks. Normally, such folly would result in a stoved-in hull and drowning. However, Kiah sang a starlight song, and the rocks were illuminated with a bright glow. Thanks to Tristan's expert sailing, they were able to land with no issue.


(Secure Advantage (With Essence): Strong Hit)

Without a moment to spare, the wardens laid their trap, placing the seal carcasses a ways into the isle, in a barren pit filled with sharp rocks. They plotted out their hiding places. Kiah sang over certain stones and they let out a soft hum. All tiny spells, but together thier power echoed across Mourn Land and into the sea, calling upon the godly.


(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit )

After setting the fire Kiah took out her kantele and played a beautiful song whose tune reverberated through the twelve. Setting their souls on the momentous task ahead.


(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit )

(Invoke: Strong Hit )

Before going to sleep that night, Kiah sat at the back of the camp and prayed to her patroness, Leucia Nighdottir. The stars above twinkled in response. Kiah fell asleep but dreamed of the beauty of the night. She picked berries in that nocturnal garden, filling her soul with power.


(Enter the Frey: Miss )

Kiah awoke to see a dark, furry tower above her. Before she could quite understand her situation, a tremendous roar rocked the air and rock. Farina Wild Eye, one of the Eight fled.

However, her father stood strong before her. "To arms he roared!". He and Gruff dove forward and drove their spears deep into the monstrous blue bear.

Neda roared and toppled down on the two warriors. They nimbly rolled out of the way, but the monster's bite was faster, sinking into Tristan Tooth Hand, sending him to a screaming death.

At least, it would have if Kiah hadn't cast an illusion. The beast blinked in confusion when her meal vanished in smoke.

The 10 remaining warriors rushed and the bear swiped. An image of Gruff vanished, Kione dove out of the way, but the terrible paw tore Tamara Ill Fate and Siorra the Reckless to ribbons.

Song Hood drew in a deep breath and let out a powerful song that hit the godling with full force. The beast paused, shook her head, and stared at the bright woman. They locked eyes, in Neda's black orbs, Kiah saw death.

(End the Fight: Weak HIt)

The creature moved with sudden swiftness, Kiah was knocked flying, all was red. As she lost consciousness she heard her brother scream with rage.


She woke up with the tears of her father falling on her cheeks.

"Oh thank the Gods," he wept, sounding far away, "We thought you had drifted to the Mountains."

Gruff was beside him, holding her hand.

"E-easy now," her father said, as he helped her up.

Kiah touched her bandaged side and winced. Her torso was wrapped up tightly.

Before her stood six of the Eight. There was also her father, and Gruff, and....Kiah glanced around frantically. She spied the remains of three pyres.

"N-no..." she sobbed.

"Kione died saving you," stated Tristan gently. Her voice cracked, "H-he was supposed to guide me to Long Whick,"

"Your distraction was everything we needed."

Toot Hand added, in a tone laced with Iron,"Look."

Kiah's eyes went wide. Neda Frost Hide lay before her, a mountain of fur. Instinctively she knew that this, this should get them through the winter.

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