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Session 16 - Burning Halls


Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Kiah wasn't part of this fight, as such everything was done with Oracles. In some ways they were very kind, in others...

(Do Tristan and Reema avoid the Thin Ice Trap?: No)

(Do They Escape With A Viable Invasion Force? Yes)

(Does Reema Survive? Yes)

(Does Tristan Survive? Yes )

(Does Kione Dream Talker Survive? Yes)

(Is the Weather Horrible? Yes )

The following morning Great Mount's warband trudged across the snow-covered ice. In the driving blizzard, they saw nothing. They were scattered apart but tied with guide ropes. Tristan Tooth Hand and Reema Witch Weaver taking point. Reema had wrapped her face, even her eyes, in her woolen scarf so as to rely on her mystic sight.

A question rose to Tristan's mind and he shouted it over the wind, "Is this Serene's doing?"

The old witch shook her head, "God's no. The wind is my domain, not hers."

Another question arose, but Tristan pushed it down. He already knew the answer. As terrible as the blizzard was, it was still the perfect cover. No one in White Haven would see their band.

Suddenly Tooth Hand froze as a sudden cracking and the scream reached his ear.

"All hold!" he bellowed.

All part of the plan. If they stayed close, thin ice would collapse under their weight. If they held, anyone who fell could pull themselves up with their rope.

His well-trained wardens and the sentinels did just that.

Another cry pierced the howling of the wind and suddenly the line went taut so much so it dragged Tristan off his feet, and he heard several warriors behind him let out curses and they too were dragged along the ice.

As the Keeper slid through the snow, on instinct he drew his knife and cut himself free. He saw the blizzard shadows of a number of other warriors dragged below.

Thankfully most of the warband had the good sense to do as Tristan did, so only a handful were pulled into the depths.

Tristan pushed himself to his feet, and called out, "Sound off!"

He listened to numerous replies, two who did not were good friends. He frowned, closed his eyes, and offered a short prayer.

When he opened his eyes, he spied his son, Gruff, who gave him an even nod.

He nodded back and silently gave thanks.

(How Does Reema Help them Get Out of This? Eliminate - Land)

Reema cried out, "Everyone, stay where you are!"

"Everyone hold!" Tristan ordered. Then to the witch, he yelled, "What have you found?"

A cackle was her reply. The Overseer then added, "That young wretch is clever, I'll give her that. Death surrounds us Tristan, many more holes and waiting jaws underneath."

The Warden let out a heavy sigh, "How do we get out of this Reema?"

He could see no way. If they cut the lines and moved carefully, they'd lose themselves in the driving, howling, snows. If they stayed tied together, the next one to fall would drag their brethren with them.

"Curse her for having me use this," grumbled Witch Weaver. "Brace yourselves, for I will invoke magic that I can only use once, and we will never see again!"

Suddenly the wind kicked up and everything was drowned in frigid white.


With surprising swiftness the blizzard lifted, and they were no longer on the ice. Instead, the entire warband stood on rocky bluffs. In the distance, they could see the palisade of White Haven and the smoke from her hearth fires.

Both Tristan's wardens and the sentinels looked around in shock.

"By the founders," uttered Kione Dream Talker.

Gruff just stared around in utter astonishment.

Tooth Hand jumped when Reema seized his arm. He did a double-take when he saw her face.

Her scarf had fallen off. Her eyes had turned milky white. She laughed, long and hard. "Serene of White Haven, your magic is nothing compared to mine."

"By the gods, what happened to you?" stuttered Tristan.

The Overseer glanced in his direction but obviously couldn't see. "Such miracles require sacrifice. For something as grand as taking us all from that death trap to here, well, Tauna Sky Riddle would have been well within her right to take more than my sight. She is generous indeed."


(Does Serene Stick With Her Plan? Yes)

Serene sat on her throne and brooded.

Vera Iron Comb paced back and forth.

Kalina the Fox sat on a nearby bench fretting.

"Yes," Serene concluded. "We stick to our plan."

(Is Verena Okay With This? No )

(Does Kalina trust Serene's judgment? No)

Iron Comb paused, "I don't like sitting here."

"Will our wards hold against Reema?" the Fox asked.

The Overseer favored her priestesses with a wise smile. "At peace you two," her voice was tinted with humor. "It must have cost Reema greatly to avoid our trap. She won't have the strength to overcome our runes. Without her tricks, it will be easy for our wardens to slaughter her warband."

Then with a nod at Iron Comb, she added, "Even so, it's best to keep alert. We'll double our watch, and keep to our drills. Will this appease you Verena?"

"It will my Lady," responded Iron Comb with a bow.

Serene's smile widened as an idea struck her, she turned to Kalina "Once Great Mount is defenseless, I will send you to negotiate their surrender."

The young woman did a double-take at that, "You mean Song Hood will be spared?"

"If she agrees to my rule," responded the Overseer.

Iron Comb chuckled, "She'd be a fool not to."


(Is Kione's scouting mission successful? Yes)

(Where is the storehouse? West Wall)

The following evening Kione Dream Talker returned to camp. It lay behind a rocky outcropping, They had two very low fires to ward off the chill.

Tristan Tooth Hand nodded in greeting. Gruff tossed him some jerky.

The sentinel nodded in thanks and sat beside Reema.

"What have you found?" asked the Overseer.

After tearing into the jerky, Kione answered, "The storehouse is on the western wall."

Tooth Hand cursed at that.

"They're keeping the wardens inside and ready. They're waiting for us."

"Good, good," cackled Witch Weaver, "the kindling is stacked."

"We can't let the storehouse burn," stated Tristan. "We'll need to climb around the cliffs to make it to the east side."

"We can try a frontal assault, but the odds are against us," commented Dream Talker.

"No," grumbled Reema mirthlessly. "We climb."


(Does Reema's Warband make it across the cliffs undetected? No )

(What Trap Does Iron Comb Lay? Charge, Shelter )

It took two days to trek the high, rocky terrain around White Haven. The way was chocked with snow, and while the warband had snow shoes and skis, they still had to make their way around carefully.

At one point, White Haven was in clear view below them.

"It's too bad we can't knock the snow down upon them," suggested Kione.

Tristan smirked, "Even if we could we wouldn't. Can't risk burying their supplies."


An hour later, Verena Iron Comb, strode into the Iron Whale Hall. She found Serene sharing a meal with Kayan Ghostbeard and his vikings.

"Verena," the Overseer greeted warmly, "Come, sit, have some stew."

The old warrior priestess took a seat and curtly accepted the food handed to her by a servant. "I bring news."

"I see," responded Serene, "is it something I should hear in confidence?"

Iron Comb considered this, regarded Kayan, who gave her a little wave, and answered, "No. In fact, I'm glad Ghost Beard is here."

"Then speak away," Kayan invited.

Iron Comb waited for Serene.

The Overseer gestured for her to proceed.

"My scout spotted the Great Mount warband. They're in the cliffs above us."

Serene's ever-calm expression cracked, just a titch.

Ghost Beard went pale, "C-can Witch Weaver bury us?"

The Overseer considered this for a long moment

(Does Serene think Reema will bury them in snow? Yes)

With a look of distaste, Serene answered, "That might very well be within her power," She let out a soft curse and added, "The old witch is spiteful enough to kill us and doom her people."

(What is Iron Comb's Suggestion? Falter Danger)

"My Lady, I know those cliffs. Allow me and Kayan's Vikings to counter them."

(Is Kayan fine with this? No )

"We need to flee," Kayan countered, "her spell could hit us at any moment!"

(Does Serene Have Magic To Counter Such? Yes )

(What Kind of Magic Can She Use? Betray Death)

"Kayan," Serene's tone was poisonous, "we will not abandon White Haven. You will go with Iron Comb and attempt to stop Reema's spell. I have one more spell I can play, but it's best if I am not forced to use it"

"Overseer, surely..."

"Go," the Overseer insisted with a sudden fierceness. "The more you delay, the likelier the cliffs will claim us."


(Does Iron Comb know a direct route to where she thinks Reema's conducting a ritual? Yes )

Iron Comb's warband reached the top of the cliffs as the sun crested. Before them were some spare, scraggly trees, and many, many footprints in the snow.

The priestess regarded the scene in confusion.

Kayan Ghostbeard examined the footprints closely. "They're heading east." After a pause, "Why in the Plague Lands would they do that?"

Verena considered that carefully. "I have no earthly clue."

"Does this mean, they don't plan to bury White Haven?" Kotama, one of the younger vikings asked.

"I believe they do not," mused Iron Comb.

Ghostbeard frowned at the tracks, "They outnumber us. Reema found some friends."

"What friends?" Iron Comb asked.

(Do either of them suspect the Sentinels have joined the enemy? No)

The viking shrugged.

"We should follow them, carefully," Verena considered, "when they attack, we'll hit them from behind. Does this suit you Ghostbeard?"

(Does it? Yes ) "Aye," answered the viking. "Sandwiching them between us and our wardens suits me just fine."


The sun was setting as Tristan's warband rushed out from the cliffs on the eastern side of White Haven.

"Forward!" cried Tooth Hand, and the wardens and sentinels charged.

Within moments the wooden palisade loomed before them. The guards on the wall shouted out a warning to their fellows below. "Great Mount comes!" "To the eastern side!"

"Light arrows!" shouted Tooth Hand.

A dozen wardens used flint and tinder to light the pitch on their arrows.

"Fire!" ordered Tooth Hand.

The flaming projectiles hit the wall and flames began to lick hungrily on the palisade.


Meanwhile, Reema, who hid in a thick copse of trees at the foot of the mountain, held a wooden carving of clouds. Her eyes were shut tight and she began chanting. As she did so, the tips of her fingers began to go blue from frostbite.

She then began to shout her spell.

(Can Reema Control this magic? Yes)

Suddenly a powerful wind flew in from the east, brushing past the Great Mount warriors and feeding the flames.


(Does Iron Comb arrive in time to affect the battle? Yes)

Iron Comb's warband were carefully descending the cliff when the town was set ablaze.

"Gods," swore Kayan, "it's like they summoned a dragon."

The fire, driven by a damndable wind, was already devouring the eastern side of the city. Screams filled the air. Wardens, and city folk fled out the main gate, some of them on fire. As they did so Great Mount's warband cut the warriors down, without mercy. They let the city folk flee into the snows.

(Does Kayan notice the Sentinels? Yes)

Ghostbeard's eyes went wide as he spotted the warriors with the bone armor who wielded axes and hammers. White Haven's wardens, as scattered as they were, stood no chance against their swiftness and might.

"We move. Now," Verena commanded.

(Does Kayan follow that command? Yes)

The viking paused, but only for a moment. His gaze went away from the sentinels to the burning city. His burning home. "Aye," he agreed. Then, to his warriors, he shouted, "We go!"


(Does Reema Remain Hidden from Iron Comb's War Band? No)

(Does the Wind Get Out of Hand When She's Killed? Yes)

(Does Great Mount 'Win'? Yes)

(Is Ghostbeard Killed? Yes )

(Does Gruff Kill him? Yes)

(Is Iron Comb Killed? No)

(Is Kalina Killed? No)

(Does Tristan Toothand Survive? Yes)

(Does Kione Dream Talker Survive? Yes )

(Does the Storehouse Survive? No)

Kayan's warband crashed into Tristan's. They hacked into their foes dropping a handful within moments.

"Sentinels cover our rear!" ordered Tristan.

Kione pulled his axe from a foe and nodded, "You heard him. Turn and fight!"

The two sides clashed on more even terms. The vikings fought with a reckless fury that took the bone warriors off guard. A few more fell to the crimson-stained snow.

However, soon enough the sentinel's found their footing.

"Charge!" Cried a White Haven warden, then he and his fellows rushed from the burning city. Tristan's warriors stood fast against them. White Haven had fury and fear fueling their strikes. Tristian kept his brethren calm, they stood their ground and simply let them vent their might, only to cut them down when they were exhausted.

Kayan Ghostbeard paused to take in the battle. It was too chaotic to tell who was winning. Suddenly, a young man in Great Mount garb armed with a sentinel shield rushed towards him. He made no sound but his eyes were burning.

Kayan smikred and noded. He blocked the first strike, but the kid had some power, and knocked the viking back a step. Then the two swung viciously at each other, each axe blow taking chunks out of the other's shield.

Kayan was shorter, and took advantage of this. He dropped down and shoved forward in a shield bash, hoping to knock the young man over him. However, he hit just air. The kid spun away from his charge and swung down.

Ghosbeard fell, blood gushing from his back. He rolled so he could look up at who vanquished him. He saw tears in the Kid's hate-filled eyes. He looked so much like Solana that Keeper from Broken Helm. "Ah, that's it." he wheezed. "Good job kid, your mother would be proud," then he breathed his last.


"There you are," growled Verena Iron Comb.

Reema's concentration slipped as she looked up in confusion.

Before Witch Weaver could say a word, the priestess chopped down with her sword. The blow fell the old woman, and Verna struck again and again until Reema moved no more.

"That, is the end of your magic." spat Iron Comb.

She couldn't be more wrong.


(Does Kalina Surrender To Great Mount: No)

Tristan lowered his sword, and took a steadying breath. He glanced around to take measure of the dying battle.

Most of his Wardens stood tall, though a handful, too many in Tooth Hand's opinion, lay with the dead. The sentinels had suffered similar, minimal, losses. He spied Gruff with them, his son's axe wet with blood.

The battle was won, but no one cheered. This has been a brutal, desperate fight, and it's pall hung about them.

He was glad Kiah wasn't here to witness it.

For a brief moment his eye caught that of a young woman in fox fur at the edge of the burning city, tears beaded at the corners of her eyes. She froze in fear.

The Keeper nodded towards the cliffs where her kin had fled. She was off with a bolt.


Serene was burning in her hall. Errily, she did not move. She did not cry out, even though the flame charred her dress, lit her hair, and licked and boiled her flesh. Her green eyes were bright with hatred, one this fire would not consume.


The wind did not die, instead, it picked up and turned with a sudden fury.

"The storehouse!" Tristan gasped.

It blew the flames all the way over to the western side, the halls there lit and burned bright. A particularly large one, perfect for holding provisions, went up with them.

Reema's control of the wind should have spared it, but something had happened. It looked like the entire town would be turned to ash.

"Go," Tristan ordered one of his warriors, find Reema.

A half an hour later he'd learn that she had been slain. By that point, any hope to seize White Haven's stores had gone up in smoke.

They had won the battle, but Winter was winning the war.

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