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Session 15 - Otani Hate Whisper


Updated: Oct 2, 2023

Picture from here:

A struggle of magic.

I am rather concerned with what will happen with Reema and Tristian, in the next session.

(Priests who serve Reema:

Amara Deep Laugh, He/Him, Incompetent, Generous, Obsessed

Kato Steel Path, He/Him, Bitter, Armored, Connected)

(Swear and Iron Vow: strong hit)

The next morning Kiah stood before the Great Hall, flanked by Reema's preists, Amara Deep Laugh, and Kato Steel Path. Before her stood the townsfolk and a smattering of wardens. They all looked up at her expectedly.

They were worried for their loved ones off to fight White Haven.

They were afraid of what curse Serene might send them next.

They were anxious that the Bright Woman before them would not be up to being Overseer.

Song Hood opened her mouth, paused, and closed it again.

The silence was thick with concern and doubt.

Then, with a look of determination, Kiah seized her black-iron whale killer amulet and announced, "On this iron, I hereby swear, that I will protect Great Mount until my grandmother returns."

Her voice rang clear and strong in the crisp, winter air. The weight of the vow rolled over the crowd, washing away their darkness.

Hope lit their eyes.

They cheered.


Later that day Kiah met with Reema's priests on the second floor of the Great Hall.

(Do the priests know what attacked Great Mount? No)

"Whatever it was, it was powerful. It tried to drag us all to sleep but the blessing of the gods, and the chant of Charna kept everyone awake," regaled Deep Laugh.

"Unfortunately, it turned everything in the storehouse to moss," added Steel Path. "It's all over the walls, we won't be able to use it again."

"All we have is what's in our individual larders, most upsetting. Amara exenterated his point by tearing into the leg of lamb he had been eating.

Kiah and Kato glared at him.

He just chuckled.

Kiah stepped her fingers to focus herself, and then asked, "Do either of you have any idea what Serene will throw at us next?"

(Do either of them have prophecy? No)

They both shrugged and looked helpless.

Kiah pondered for a moment and then she said, "Take something from our kitchen, something nice. Bluefin tuna, oxen; something we'll miss. We'll sacrifice it in a blot to Leucia Nighdottir, and ask for protection."

Deep Laugh looked mortified.

Steel Path ignored him, "Leucia? Wouldn't Jarn or Othos be wiser?"

Kiah shook her head, "No. Serene's patron is Ilsit Bright Hair, Leucia is the one goddess who knows her the best."

Kato, nodded. "We'll get it started then."


(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit )

The blot was enacted at sunset.

Kiah held it outside the temple, they burned an entire oxen flank to Night Dottir.

Kiah sang out the Hymn of the West; A song about surviving the Old World to find peace in the Ironlands.

Deep Laugh and Steel Path attended the fire. They also gave a sliver of beef to each of the townsfolk who attended, so they could all share in the meal.

Kiah's powerful voice serenaded the orange-red sky, it held power. The weight of holiness fell upon them.

Only when darkness fell did Song Hood eat her sliver. With a whisper, she added, "Thank you for being with us."


(What Curse Does Serene Throw At Great Mount Next? Take, Greed )

(Do Serene or Verena have far sight? They both have it)

The following evening, in Iron Whale Hall, Serene sat with her priestesses by a fire pit at the rear of the Hall. On her lap was an iron box which was etched with runes. It was open, showing a velvet interior.

It was empty.

To Kalina, she said, "Be at ease my fox. There may be some messiness tomorrow, but by the time the next sun sets, the Barrier Islands will be ours."

The young priestess frowned, "I wish it didn't have to be this way."

Verena Iron Comb scowled, "Don't be naive. Reema Witch Weaver would never bend the knee."

"You are worried about Song Hood, aren't you?" observed the Overseer.

"I..." Kalina considered her answer carefully, and finally replied, "Y-yes. She survived Bleak Stone just to be killed? It doesn't seem fair."

Verena's scowl deepened.

Serene, however, smiled sadly, and said, "Not a waste. Simply a sacrifice, a terrible one.

Tristian Toothhand and Overseer Reema will fall through the ice and be devoured. If they avoid this, Reema's magic will shatter as soon as she enters our city, and they will fall to our wardens.

Tonight, Kiah Song Hood will be slaughtered by her own people," she patted the side of the box, "driven mad by Otani Hate Whisper."

The Fox flinched at that.

Serene touched her shoulder gently and added "All a terrible sacrifice and you are right to feel the way you do.

This is all necessary, but not at all easy.

I simply ask you to bear your sorrow Kalina. Once this messy business is over, we'll need your kind heart to move on."

Taken in by her Overseer's warmth, the Fox smiled back and said, "Of course my Queen, for you, I will bear it."


(Face Danager: Weak Hit ) - Facing Hate Whisper

(Endure Stress: Miss)

That evening Kiah awoke in a cold sweat. She sat up in her bed, technically her grandmother's, and stared fearfully into the inky darkness.

'Wake up Song Hood. Hate Whisper stalks.' The voice was both melodious and terrifying, like a nightmare where one stands strong.

"Leucia?" Song Hood asked.

There was no further answer.

Even so, Kiah lit a lamp, pulled tight her night robe, and wandered out into the Hall.

(Do one of the priests kill the other? Yes - Deep Laugh kills Steel Path)

(Face Danager: Strong Hit With A Match ) - Avoiding Deep Laugh Attacking Her

She froze as her lantern shone upon the corpse of Kato Steel Path. His head had been stove in.

'Kiah, look up!' the goddess whispered suddenly.

She did and saw Amara Deep Laugh glaring at her, a studded club in his hand and a look of fury in his eyes. On his shoulders sat a red imp with silver rune tattoos. He tittered at her.

The Bright Woman shouted something in the ancient language and made a gesture. Armara shrieked and held his eyes.

Otani fell off the large man and rolled to his feet. He whispered a hateful litany.

With a cry, Kiah clutched her temple. Untethered fury flooded her mind, her cheeks turned red, and a sneer formed on her lips.

"Enough!" she stormed, her voice booming like thunder.

The imp staggered back.

Kiah raised her hands and traced a rune in the air. It suddenly flashed like lightning.

Otani Hate Whisper let out a wail of despair and suddenly vanished.


(Forge Bond: Weak Hit - Armara's too mortified to think.)

The following morning Kiah held a funeral for Kato Steel Path. She sang a heavy song of mourning. The people of Great Mount each made a tiny offering to him and then his body was carried out of the city to rest in one of the barrows for the honored.

When she was done, and the party as dispersed, she returned to the Great Hall to find Amara seated on a bench. He looked up at her, his cheeks tear-stained.

"I-I'm sorry," he said, "as Kato's murderer I had no right to attend his burial." He sniffed and looked at his hands, "Oh, whatever shall I do?"

Kiah touched his shoulder and smiled at him kindly. "You live, you become an even greater priest, and know that Kato would understand you were enthralled."

She stepped away and drew upon her power to reveal to Deep Laugh the power within their hall. Silver trails of light and shades of the holies.

(Compel: Weak Hit.)

"I-I..." he stammered, still unsure.

Kiah let her power drop and said, "Rest Amara, let your spirit heal. I will keep this Hall safe."

"Yes, I will." He sighed and then left to find his bench.

Once he had stepped out of sight, Kiah collapsed on a bench and let out a shuddering breath. She closed her eyes.

They had won. No one else had died.

It had taken everything she had.

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