Most of this was Oracle Checks, it's neat how a handful of rolls can reveal threads in the game that I never expected.
(Did Solana Survive? No)
(Did all of the Wardens Left Behind Survive? No)
(Did any of the Wardens Survive? Yes )
(Is Reema There? Yes)
As soon as the ship reached dock, it was pulled in by many hands. Handsome Eleri regarded the three with sorrow. "Tristan, Kiah, Gruff, I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?" Tristan asked cooly.
Maya, a Great Mount warden Tristan left behind, answered, "Keeper Solana fell during the raid." The scar and bandages on her expressed how hard she fought.
Kiah gasped, her heart taking a lurch, "No."
(Test Your Bond - For Reema's Priests Dying In Spite of Kiah's Distraction: Strong Hit)
"Out of the way, now." snapped Overseer Reema.
Maya stepped aside as the witch rushed onto the dock. She looked worn and haggard, but upon seeing Kiah and Gruff the light returned to her eyes. "Oh, thank the gods."
"I-is it true Grandmother? Is Mother, gone?"
Reema gave a grim, steady nod.
Kiah let out a cry of grief and wept as her brother, also weeping, held her.
Tristian seemed lost, but only for a moment. With deadly seriousness, he asked, "Who?"
"Kayan Ghost Beard," stated the Overseer. "We will find him and he will die."
Tristan returned a gallows grin, for once he and Reema were of the same mind.
(Sorjun: Weak Hit)
Kiah and Gruff spent two days at home recovering, in their familiar hall. Warmth seeped back into their bones, and Reva served them their favorite meals. The siblings had little appetite, but the rest returned color and vigor to them.
On the first night Kiah, Tristan, and Gruff, visited the barrow where her uncle Ikram rested, and now her mother Solana. The bright woman sang at the grave. As she did so she caused motes of light to raise from the mound, representing star whisps taking the dead to the skies. Her voice echoed throughout town. Those who had instruments played along, and everyone's voices joined as one. It was Kiah's request to the gods that her mother would find rest.
When she had finished, she spied Reema in the shadows, wracked with grief. The witch recovered after the music faded and walked solemnly away.
On the second night, in a somber feast, Tristan was made Keeper of Broken Helm.
"You have already rebuilt," Tristan declared, "now all that's left is justice."
"For Justice!" the crowd roared.
Hate did not sit well in Kiah's heart. but even she echoed the cheer. Her mother's life had been taken, and she was determined there'd be an accounting.
(What's Reema's Plan: Search History )
(Can They Call Upon Stone Mark? No - Maybe Kiah Could Do It Though)
(Who Can They Call Upon? Find Passage - Wardens)
(Can They Call Upon White Haven's Wardens? No)
(Town - New Hope - Xenophoic Warriors)
The next evening Tristan had Kiah and Gruff meet with him and Reema in the back of the Great Hall.
"We will send you to New Hope," declared the Overseer.
The bright woman did a double-take at that, "New Hope? T-to the Sentinels?" she asked incredulously.
"Indeed," answered, Reema, "they owe me a debt and I intend to call it in."
Gruff gave his father the side-eye.
(Was Tristan A Sentinel? No)
(Does He Have Reservations? Yes)
"I don't like it," grumbled Tristan, "but they are powerful warriors and I see no other options."
"What about Stone Mark?" countered Kiah, "I met one of their skalds, Flint, he saw what happened in Raven Falls, I'm sure I can convince him to help."
(Why doesn't Reema want to send Kiah to Stone Mark? Preserve Duty) "They shelter Ranna," the witch stated coldly, "so they can rot."
An uncomfortable silence descended.
Reema broke it, "You two are going to New Hope. You will get the Sentinel's aid. They will help us and we will crush Serene and Kayan Ghostbeard. It. Is. Decided." Her tone left no room for argument.
"Yes, Grandmother." Kiah answered.
The next day Tristan saw his kids off. Before them was a small boat filled with supplies.
"I've thought this over seven ways, Reema will have watchers, she'll know if you go north or not. So there's nothing for it, to New Hope, it is." stated the Keeper, ill at ease.
"On the bright side," offer Kiah, "they owe Grandmother, and if they help us White Haven will never see it coming."
"True," admitted Tristan, "they're monsters, but hopefully they'll be our monsters."
Gruff nudged his father and pointed up. A shadow swept over them.
It was a large wyvern who flapped her wings and landed. She was steel grey but her mane and belly were white. She bore a black mark in the shape of an axe.
"Bayara!" the bright woman gasped.
Then, to everyone's amazement, the beast nuzzled into Kiah's hands. A loud purr rumbled from her.
"I guess, this is the magic Doom Axe spoke of," stated the bright woman. She felt a deep connection with her new friend as if they'd known each other forever.
"Well," huffed Tristan. "I suddenly feel a lot better about your journey."
(What's Serene's Plan - For A Future Session: Preserve Stranger)