Picture from here: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_wild_boar_chafing_its_neck_against_a_tree_while_a_fox_seat_Wellcome_V0020721ETL.jpg
It's going to be weird to write stories that don't involve boats for a while. The Ironlands are mostly landlocked.
(Sourjurn: Weak Hit )
As winter retreated to green spring, Kiah healed. Her step was steady, she no longer looked haggard, and her words were filled with genuine warmth and confidence. Even so, her iron vows weighed heavily on her soul.
One evening she called Amarah Deep Laugh, Tristan Tooth Hand, and her brother Gruff Foe Slayer to the back of the Great Hall.
"I cannot stay," she told them.
Her father nodded gravely, "Your vows?"
Kiah nodded, "Yes," she counted them off on her fingers, "I must convince Long Whick to renew their ties to New Hope. Stand at the Althing to plead our case to the Havens. Find Neda Frost Hide's paw bone and return it to the Winter Mother."
"One of the bones is missing?" gasped Amarah, "How? We kept Neda under constant watch."
"Stoad Secret Keeper," Song Hood answered, "Thankfully, Tuana Sky Riddle has granted me a spell that will help." She pulled down her sleeve to show a blue raven tattoo.
Gruff did a double-take at that and gave his sister a questioning look.
"Grandma's last lesson," Kiah explained. "New spells will leave a mark on me, but in return be more powerful."
"We understand," stated her father. "Who will be Overseer in your place?"
Kiah smiled warmly at Deep Laugh, "I would hold no worry if you took up my mantle."
"M-me?" Stammered Deep Laugh, "What about your father?"
Tristan clapped the priest on the shoulder, "I'm already Keeper of Brokenhelm. You'll do fine."
Gruff nodded.
Amarah relented with all due gravity, "I-I, I'll do my best."
"As for who will go with me," Song Hood snapped her finger, and a white wyvern slid up to her, nuzzling her hand. She held out the other for her brother.
Gruff grinned, seized it, and squeezed.
"Surely you'll take some wardens with you as well?" insisted Deep Laugh.
Kiah shook her head, "If the survivors of White Haven form a warband, Great Mount will need all her warriors.
Tristan frowned, "I don't want you alone at the Althing."
Kiah grinned, "Father, I am Kiah Song Hood, Wyvern Sister, Frost Hide Warden, Witch of Great Mount, I am fully capable of handling myself."
Gruff Foe Slayer crossed his arms. Shush, the white wyvern, snaked around his mistress and looked fierce.
Tooth Hand laughed at that, "Very well, I'll try not to worry."
Three days later Kiah and Gruff stood on a boat, Shush was curled up in the bow. On the docks before them stood Amarah Deep Laugh, Tristan Tooth Hand, and the rest of Great Mount.
"Thank you all for seeing me off, I am truly humbled," Kiah expressed.
"Fair winds"
"Blessed words at the Althing."
"Come back to us Overseer."
And such were uttered from the crowd.
Her father smiled with pride and waved, "Gruff, Kiah, look out for each other. Shush, I'm counting on you."
The wyvern chrred at him.
Everyone laughed, and with that, they were off.
(Make Camp: Strong Hit)
They sailed north for New Hope. By evening they camped on a small island. Here, away from the Great Hall and all its pomp and duties, Kiah was able to relax. She, her brother, and Shush shared salted fish and stared up at the stars.
The next morning found them in New Hope. The sentinels stood in greeting, their Overseer, Keyshia Wolfmind, among them.
"Welcome Song Hood, on your way to Long Whick?" she then frowned, "...wait, where's Dream Talker?"
Kiah pulled a cloak of blue fur from the boat. It had a sheen in the spring sun. "Neda Frost Hide plauged our village. Kione volunteered to be part of our hunting party. He died, saving me." (Test Bond: Weak Hit )
The overseer's look darkened, but Kiah refused to look away. The warrior woman shook her head and cursed. Then, with a determined look, she declared, "You will stay with us tonight and tell us the whole story."
"Of course," Kiah answered. "It would be an honor."
That evening Song Hood stood in the center of their fable circle in their great hall. She stood on a deep bear hide, the bones of New Hope's ancestors around her. The sentinels surrounded her and listened intently. Kiah's face lit by the fire before her, began to sing.
(Compel: Strong Hit)
Her voice echoed around the hall as she sang an epic poem that covered Neda Frost Hide's hunting around Great Mount. Of the gathering of the heroes. Of the setting of the trap and the slaying of the bear. She put all her heart into it, expressing fully the danger Kione faced, his sacrifice, and his place in the Mountains.
When she had finished, there was a moment of silence, then rancorous applause. Wolf Mind hung the blue fur cloak over her throne, a place of honor for their fallen brother.
(Sorjurn: Strong Hit )
The siblings and wyvern stayed two more days.
Gruff, caught up with his war brethren. Together they fished and sparred.
Song Hood and Wolfmind were close as sisters. They chatted and laughed. The next night Kiah played many tunes that were full of merriment.
Shush flew around with Gruff and friends, the sentinels laughing at her antics.
On the morning of the third day Kiah, Gruff, and Shush were back on the boat. Keyshia and her closest sentinels were there to see them off.
"I'll be back after I've fixed things for you in Long Whick and finished my business at the Althing," Song Hood stated
"We'll be here to meet you, with mead," responded Wolfmind brightly.
"I' look forward to that," Kiah laughed, and with that, they were off.
(Undertake Journey: Miss )
(Pay the Price: A surprising development complicates your quest.)
(Oracle: Evade, Opinion)
Just as New Hope vanished Shush sat up suddenly and stared across the empty ocean.
"What's wrong?" Kiah asked, peering in the direction her familiar was looking.
Suddenly Shush flapped her wings, launched high in the air, and flew furiously to the west.
Gruff frowned.
"Where in the Mists is she going?" muttered Kiah.
(Gather Information: Weak )
The Bright Woman thought, drawing everything she knew about wyverns and Shush. "She didn't seem distressed. We should wait."
So they did, for the entire day.
That evening Kiah was awoken by Shush nuzzing her. "There you are. Where were you?" she scritched her pet.
Her brother was not impressed.
The next morning brought rough seas. Furthermore, in the distance, they could see jagged rocks sticking up out of the waves.
Kiah stood and stared at the breakers with determination. "I'll reveal them to us and handle the sails, you keep us away from them."
Her brother nodded and kept a steady hand on the rudder.
(Face Danger With Essence: Weak Hit - Suffer Supply)
As before Kiah's spell set the rocks alight with a spectral blaze. She then focused her attention on the sails.
Gruff's keen eyes looked for the edge of the rocks. He steered the ship, as it tilted, Shush actually put her weight as a counterbalance. Both siblings winced as a scraping reverberated on the hull. Thankfully it failed to breach her and they made it past.
(Undertake Journey: Weak Hit with momentum)
(Location: Contested Ship)
(Oracle: What Contests It? Deflect, Time)
(Face Danger: Strong Hit)
After the breakers, they sailed swiftly around a rocky cliff. As the sun was setting the siblings saw a stony beach and a break in the rocky hide of the Ragged Coast.
As they got closer Shush let out a concerned whine. Kiah frowned and petted her on the neck. "Gruff, I'm dropping the sails, and dropping anchor, we're staying here for the night."
Her brother glared at her, and her wyvern.
Song Hood glared back and pointed to the shore. "Look, trolls."
Foe Slayer peered forward, then his eyes widened. Large creatures moved in the shadows of the cliffs. He gave Kiah a curt nod.
(Resupply: Weak Hit)
The siblings waited well after the sun rose over the cliffs. Once they were sure the beech was troll-free, they beached their ship.
They found a gruesome sight. Another ship was tipped over with rigging and gear scattered everywhere.
That there was no sign of bodies, caused the siblings to shiver.
"Let's move, quickly," suggested Song Hood.
Gruff held up a finger, and then quickly scanned the wreckage for things they could use. He found some flint and hunting traps.
Then the siblings raced off up the path, abandoning their ship to the trolls.
(Undertake Journey: Strong Hit)
The siblings booked it on an incline for the entire day. They reached the top of the cliffs, exhausted, as evening fell.
Kiah and Gruff took a look over the vast forest of the Deep Wilds before them, and then back and down to the Ragged Coast behind them.
"I think this is the best place to set camp," huffed Song Hood.
Foe Slayer nodded. Together they set up and spent the night. Both keeping watches.
(Secure Advantage: Strong Hit)
(Invoke: Strong Hit )
In the morning, just before sunrise, Kiah burned a small offering to Leucia Nighdottir. She then breathed in deep, and magic filled her soul.
After that, she, Gruff, and Shush had a quick breakfast and struck off.
(Undertake Journey: Miss)
Aaaand we'll take it up with what they encounter in the Deep Wilds in the next session.